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User / Alan M :-) / Sets / MinoltaXG-1
Alan M. / 8 items

N 63 B 2.8K C 6 E Dec 18, 2021 F Dec 18, 2021
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Camera: Minolta XG-1
Yan's General Store at Kiandra was opened back in 1860 during the Gold Rush. It operated until 1940. I took this photo in around June 1983. Shortly after that the building was demolished by the National Parks & Wildlife Service.

Tags:   Buildings General Historic History Kiandra Mountains NSW Ruins Snowy Store New South Wales Australia Goldrush 1860 Yan's Gold Rush Snowy Mountains Minolta XG-1 Film

N 82 B 5.0K C 4 E Feb 27, 2018 F Mar 20, 2023
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Geraghtys Store in Dec 1981 (Built 1871)
Camera Minolta XG-1
Film Kodak Gold 200

Laying derelict here in 1981, this old shop has since be restored and is now a museum.

You can see it on Google Street view by searching for 61 Lennox St,
Maryborough, Queensland

The following history is from apps.des.qld.gov.au/heritage-register/detail/?id=600704

Brennan & Geraghty's Store was built by partners Patrick Brennan and Martin Geraghty in what was then a small commercial centre in Lennox Street, Maryborough. The store was operated by members of the same family until 1972, thus completing a century of trading, and contains original stock and trading records.

Maryborough was established at its present site in 1852 as an outlet for the trade of the Wide Bay and Burnett pastoral districts. Wool, tallow, cedar and kauri pine flowed outwards with backloads of essential supplies for the stations providing a thriving trade. Timber was milled there and the strong impetus provided by the discovery of gold at nearby Gympie in 1867 soon established Maryborough as a prosperous commercial and banking centre.

Maryborough was also a port of entry and 22,000 immigrants arrived there directly from overseas during the period 1862-1890.

In 1863, Patrick Brennan and Martin Geraghty arrived in Maryborough from Ireland. Brennan worked for some time as storekeeper at Kilkivan station and was involved in the early Gympie gold rush. Geraghty, who married Patrick's sister Catherine in 1864, bought land in Lennox Street and built a cottage at no. 64, from which he ran a joinery and undertaking business, then opened a store at what is now no. 60, in 1869. At the time, this section of the street supported a small commercial centre, including a hotel which was across the road from Geraghty's property.

In 1871 Patrick Brennan and Martin Geraghty formed a partnership and adapted Martin & Catherine's extended cottage as a store, after removing interior walls. They built a house next to the old store which they used as a receiving depot. Brennan & Geraghty's sold groceries and ordered stores in bulk, being the only importers in Maryborough. By the end of the 1870s, the families had set up orchards. They grew fruit, particularly oranges, to sell and for making marmalade and fruit wines at their factory, which may have incorporated the old store at no. 60. Their products were sold in the store and also wholesaled.

The 1880s saw the peak period of the Brennan and Geraghty business empire. The partnership was involved in a number of ventures, ranging from brickmaking to running a cross-river ferry service. In 1886, tenders were called to build a new, ornate facade on the front of the store. Store records show that a sum of two pounds was paid to a Mr Hansen to prepare the plans. The contractors, G. Smith and G. Cordwell, began work in May 1886 and the completed work cost two hundred and eleven pounds, fourteen shillings and ten pence. Gas was installed at the same time. The rear room and trolley were added in 1887 at a cost of sixty pounds, nine shillings and five pence. The work was carried out by contractors Hansen and Stephenson.

This was a boom period in Maryborough as it was for Queensland generally. However, in the following decade Brennan & Geraghty's business began to fail and in 1896 a meeting of the creditors decided to liquidate the firm. In the years between 1886 and 1903, assets were disposed of and all debts were eventually paid out. The store itself was purchased by Frank Geraghty, Martin's son, who rented it back to Brennan & Geraghty for ten shillings a week.

In 1902 Michael Geraghty purchased the butcher's shop next door to the store which was owned by the Kruger family. By this time Lennox Street was predominantly residential as it is today. The butcher's shop was demolished and Michael built a house on the site for his mother, Catherine, following his father's death in 1904. This new house was named 'Uskerty' after the birthplace in Ireland of Catherine Geraghty's mother.

From 1903, when the partnership of Brennan & Geraghty was finally dissolved, until her death in 1934, Catherine Geraghty ran the store with help from her family, particularly Agnes, Florence and George. In 1934 the Geraghty family also purchased The Cottage at 62 Lennox Street. This was a relocated building which incorporated an 1970s cottage with extensions possibly from the 1890s. The business continued to run until 1971, as George Geraghty wished to complete one hundred years of trading from the premises. He died in 1973.

Some of the contents of the house and store were sold after George Geraghty's death and a demolition order was placed on the store by the Maryborough City Council. The whole Geraghty complex was purchased by the National Trust in 1975. By this time, grocery shopping practices had changed and stores like Brennan & Geraghty's were rare. What made this store even rarer was the fact that George had not made changes and had not disposed of stock or records. Many items in the store were no longer manufactured, or are now manufactured or sold in a different form. A fund raising campaign for the conservation of the store and contents was begun in the 1980s and had strong local support. In 1990 the store was opened to the public as a store museum.

N 10 B 586 C 0 E Jun 10, 2015 F Nov 16, 2021
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Wilberforce, New South Wales
The buildings here were all saved from demolition and rebuilt to form a small, 19th ceentury style, town.
Camera: Minolta XG-1
Film: Too long ago to remember.

Tags:   Australiana Village Family History NSW Wilberforce Australiana Pioneer Village Australia Towns Coach Mail Coach

N 68 B 2.3K C 7 E Apr 1, 1985 F Apr 5, 2023
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Sofala, New South Wales

Camera: Minolta XG-1

The small town of Sofala came about as a direct result of the gold rush which had been spurred on when Edward Hargraves discovered gold at Summerhill Creek on 12 February 1851. By June of that year, thousands of people had set up mining operations in the valley, and both the Royal Hotel and a general store were built in 1851 to handle the increased demand.

Tags:   Sofala New South Wales town n.s.w Gold rush general store main street street shops history historic old buildings Shell garage

N 60 B 2.7K C 0 E Dec 1, 1981 F Jul 7, 2023
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Camera: Minolta XG-1
Australian Country Music Legend, Stan Coster.
Singing outside the "Pub With No Beer" at Taylors Arm, New South Wales

Tags:   Country Music Music Band Stan Coster Australian New South Wales N.S.W. Taylors Arm Pubs Hotel. Pub With No Beer Black & White B&W Film Minolta XG-1
