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User / arbyreed / Sets
163 items

Old Idaho State Penitentiary
15 photos
The Old Idaho Penitentiary State Historic Site was a functional prison from 1872 to 1973 in the western United States. The first building, also known as the Territorial Prison, was constructed in the...

Faded Dreams and Disappointments
23 photos

Silent City of Rocks
37 photos

Landscape II
12 photos

Signs 2
10 photos

Black and White 5
93 photos

Fall Colors 2
20 photos
Even more fiery fall colors.

Abstract Details
13 photos

Left Behind
5 photos
Thigs dropped, forgotten and left behind.

Water Drops, Drips and Splashes
24 photos
Dihydrogen Monoxide doing its thing...

The Mundane
15 photos
Vernacular photography gems of the lowest order.

Landscape 2
26 photos

Colorful 2
38 photos
Even more bright and colorful stuff

28 photos

Life in Small Slices
13 photos

Macro Mondays IV
71 photos

Things That Never Were
86 photos
I am seriously conflicted over how I feel about AI generated images. It doesn't really seem like it qualifies as art or photography but on the other hand perhaps it's just a tool like a digital...

Interesting Man Made Places & Things
21 photos

Black and White
200 photos

Gilgal Garden
16 photos
A visit to the quirky and very interesting Gilgal Sculpture Garden in Salt Lake City, Utah. Gilgal Garden is the legacy of Thomas Child’s desire to give physical form to his deep-felt beliefs....

A Closer Look III
79 photos

49 photos
We always talk about it but not much we can do about it except of course make pictures!!!

Unusual, Strange and a Bit Weird
82 photos

63 photos

Working World
116 photos
People and machines doing the things necessary to keep the world running. It's all in a day's work!

Vintage, Old and Retired Vehicles
100 photos

Candid Portraits 3
62 photos

Don't Fence Me In 3
107 photos

Fruit and Veg 3
137 photos
More fruit and veg to see in all of its glory.

45 photos

Monochrome 4
202 photos

Castle Gate Ghost Town
9 photos
The Castle Gate mine disaster occurred on March 8, 1924, in a coal mine near the town of Castle Gate, Utah (now dismantled), All of the 171 men working in the mine were killed in the series of...

International Peace Gardens
29 photos
The International Peace Gardens, located along the Jordan River on 9th West and 10th South, is one of two peace gardens in the United States. It was founded in 1939 by Mrs. Otto Wiesley, Citizen...

Green River Launch Complex and Missile Base
67 photos
The Utah Launch Complex was a Cold War military sub-installation of White Sands Missile Range for USAF and US Army rocket launches. In addition to firing Pershing missiles, the complex launched...

Sliders Sunday
178 photos
Images created primarily for the Sliders Sunday group.

Telegraph Tuesday
203 photos
So often powerlines and communications infrastructure invade our landscape and other photos but some of those infrastructure giants make interesting subject for the camera eye. Here you will find...

Geysers and Travertine Formations
32 photos

Would You Believe Yet More Monochrome
158 photos

IKEA is Photogenic
74 photos
Pretty much what is says on the tin. IKEA is always a fun adventure but it is also amazingly photogenic. Lots of interesting things to photograph. And they have a bathroom!

Lots of the Same Things
395 photos

Bless the Beasts
46 photos

15 photos
Images documenting the Range Fire in Utah County, Utah which started October 17, 2020.

Rural Lives-Rural Places
168 photos

Theaters and Cinema Palaces
48 photos

Out and About
84 photos
Interesting things I find while "out and about."

Even More Monochrome
147 photos
Just like it says on the box...

Abandoned Franklin County Sugar CoOp
21 photos
Franklin County Sugar CoOP in Whitney, Franklin County, Idaho. This factory processed sugar beets in the 20th century. Around 1915, Cache Valley's cash crop was the sugar beet, and that river of...

Macy's Demolition and Replacement at University...
26 photos
Documentation of the demolition of the Macy's store and its replacement with a new hotel at University Place

Crazy Tuesday
221 photos
Images made for the Crazy Tuesdays challenge group.

Western Heritage
68 photos
The "Old West" is slipping away faster and faster but here and there remnants and memories remain. I hope to present here those little bits of that past era as I run across them.

Royal Hawaiian Motel
10 photos
A look at the slow death of Arne's Royal Hawaiian Motel a classic Mid Century Modern Tiki motel in Baker, San Bernardino County, California.

Things Celestial
25 photos

Beer Neon
25 photos
A collection of beer branded neon signs assembled by someone who doesn't even drink beer but loves neon! Beer branded neon is still around and going strong.

Good Eats
86 photos
Stuff you might or might not want to eat...

Desert Landscapes
77 photos

Diners, Dives, Drive-Ins and Food Trucks
144 photos
Mom and Pop eating places from various road trips. Some are fancy, some are pretty much greasy spoon dives but they are all part of the road trip adventure. SAVE THE ROAD -- EAT MOM AND POP!

58 photos

Folk Art
41 photos

Macro Mondays III
199 photos

Goblin Valley and San Rafael Reef
81 photos

Sego Ghost Town
29 photos
Henry Ballard, one of the founders of Thompson Springs, discovered an exposed vein of anthracite coal in Sego canyon in 1908 while exploring the many canyons of the Book Cliffs. He quietly bought the...

A Visit to Legends Motorcycle Emporium
106 photos

Painted Signs and Murals
114 photos

Looking Close... On Friday
292 photos
Images made for the "Looking Close... On Friday" group.

Memento Mori
40 photos
Memento mori is the medieval Latin Christian theory and practice of reflection on mortality, especially as a means of considering the vanity of earthly life and the transient nature of all earthly...

Likin' Lichen 2
14 photos

Canyon de Chelly - Navajo Nation
14 photos
Canyon de Chelly in the Navajo Nation contains the remains of many Anasazi (the Navajo word for Ancient) or Puebloan villages. Chinli, Navajo Nation, Arizona.

22 photos

Still More Monochrome
204 photos

Cisco Ghost Town
23 photos
Cisco is a ghost town in Grand County, Utah. The town started in the 1880s as a saloon and water-refilling station for the Denver and Rio Grande Western Railroad. It is not totally abandoned. A few...

Landscapes in Black and White 2
68 photos

Car Mascots and Logos
48 photos
Vintage car hood ornaments or mascots, along with a few custom mascots invented by owners.

Images From The Consumer Economy
360 photos

Here there be Dinosaurs!
53 photos
A collection of fun and often campy dinosaurs collected from around the west with lots of shots of the Sinclair Mascot, Dino.

Intimate Landscapes
102 photos

Exploring Pahvant Butte
21 photos
Pahvant Butte is a butte formed by a dormant volcano in the west-central portion of Utah. It is located in the Sevier Desert in the Pahvant Valley. This part of Utah was once covered by a huge...

Fruit and Veg 2
123 photos

Things Seen in Alleys
75 photos
Alleys are such interesting places filled with mysterious bits of infrastructure and puzzling things.

More Flowers
143 photos

Smile on Saturday : )
357 photos
Mostly a collection of themed photos for the Smile on Saturday :) group.

Grafton Ghost Town
38 photos
Grafton Ghost Town founded in 1863 and abandoned by 1944. Near Rockville, Washington County, Utah. The site was first settled in December 1859 as part of a southern Utah cotton-growing project...

More Monochrome
201 photos
I have a bit of a bias for monochrome images. Perhaps this is due to my early days in photography when I spent many happy hours in my B&W darkroom. What ever the reason many of my images are...

111 photos
I suppose since I now live in a place famous for snow I should have an album for it even though it is my least favorite season in Utah.

Red Rock Country
175 photos
Lots of red sandstone!

161 photos

A Closer Look 2
267 photos

Mud as Art
53 photos
Sometimes mud and muck can be beautiful and even artistic.

Abandoned Calcium Carbonate Processing Plant
30 photos
This is a very mysterious place filled with interesting structures of unknown purpose. This place gives me a dystopian feeling and I can't help thinking about an older Science Fiction story by...

Sage Railroad Ghost Town
33 photos
Views of Sage Wyoming ghost town in Lincoln County, Wyoming. There is not much left of Sage and based on some of the artifacts, it looks like it could have been abandoned in the late 1950's or early...

Frisco Ghost Town
46 photos
Frisco is a ghost town in Beaver County, Utah, USA. It was an active mining camp from 1879 to 1929. At its peak in 1885, Frisco was a thriving town of 6,000 people.

348 photos

Window Wednesdays
220 photos
Eclectic collection of window images for the Window Wednesdays group. HWW!

Oil Spill Art
26 photos
Oil spills and drips can be toxic pollution but under certain circumstances they can also be quite colorful and in a way pretty.

Macro Mondays II
206 photos

Don't Fence Me In 2
204 photos

49 photos

Conspiracy Theories
25 photos
I continue to encounter friends and others who are adamant believers in various conspiracy theories. In travels with my camera I sometimes see things which I am told are "proof" that these...

Attempts at Still Life Photography
116 photos
I love still life photography and there are so many fine examples of the art here on Flickr. Hopefully careful study of those fine works will help me develop some skill with this interesting art...

27 photos

Candid Portraits 2
113 photos

260 photos
More in black and white...

Road Trippin'
74 photos
Random images of fun places and things from our various road trips.

Jayne Florida Wedding
2 photos
The unofficial version...

115 Pictures in 2015
25 photos
Photos made for the 115 pictures in 2015 group.

Silver City Ghost Town and Smelter
45 photos
Exploring Silver City Ghost Town and Knight Smelter in Dragon Canyon of the Tintic Mining District, Juab County, Utah.

Urban Details
42 photos

Don't Fence Me In!
135 photos
Mostly images made for the Fenced Fridays group. Fences have always been a fascination for me. I see an old, long disused bit of barbed wire wrapped around a decaying juniper post and wonder how...

Rusty Stuff
293 photos

Extraordinarly Ordinary
24 photos

Macro Mondays
200 photos
Close-ups and macros made for the Macro Mondays group. Happy Macro Mondays!

Landscapes in Black and White
59 photos

Provo Tabernacle Conversion to Provo Town Center...
33 photos

665 Nanometer Infrared
273 photos
I recently had my Canon 20D converted to make photos in the 665 Nanometer Infrared spectrum so I could experiment with color infrared photography. Back in the day I shot a few rolls of black and...

Leaves & Needles
190 photos

Goat's Beard Revealed
8 photos
My look at an interesting wildflower considered a weed in these parts called the Goat's Beard Plant, also know as the Meadow Salsify. I am especially intrigued by the seed head or puffball. The...

Vintage Tools & Machines in Black and White
60 photos

Black and White
281 photos

The Magic of Water
382 photos
Celebrating the magic of water in all of it's forms.

Candid Portraits
114 photos
I'm not much of a portrait photographer but do enjoy shooting the occasional street candid or character study. This is an area I would like to explore more so there will be new pictures in this set...

145 photos
A collection of the people and equipment that keep us safe from uncontrolled fire.

Night Images
146 photos
A collection of the magic that happens when the sun goes down

Close up, Macro and Table Top
295 photos

530 photos
Landscape photography is not one of my strong points but I do enjoy getting out and giving it a try. I'm learning with each outing.

Ghost Towns and Abandoned Places
227 photos

Liken' Lichen...
69 photos
Homage to artistic world of lichen, mold moss and the like.

Thistle Ghost Town
34 photos
A giant landslide April 10, 1983 obliterated the tiny town of Thistle in Utah County. In 1983, the most costly landslide in US history swept down on the tiny town of Thistle, damming up the Spanish...

Abandoned Bottle Hollow Ute Tribal Resort
10 photos
Dedicated in 1970 by Paul Harvey, the motel and convention center at Bottle Hollow was built with federal money to help the Northern Ute Tribe with economic diversity and provide jobs for tribal...

Old Cottonwood Grove Dance Pavilion
12 photos
The Cottonwood Grove Dance Pavilion in Marysvale, Utah began operations May 20, 1939. The outdoor dance hall was managed by Ray Anderson and Walter Kennedy. Anderson and Kennedy told the Piute...

84 photos

169 photos

Fall Colors
223 photos

Kennecott Bingham Canyon Copper Mine
98 photos
About the Mine • Kennecott's Bingham Canyon Mine has produced more copper than any mine in history - about 18.7 million tons. • The mine is 2-3/4 miles across at the top and 3/4 of a mile deep....

Silver Reef Ghost Town and Mines
26 photos
Silver Reef was founded in 1875 when silver was discovered in sandstone. There are only two known places where silver has been found in sandstone formations. Silver Reef, Utah and China. Silver...

Soldier Summit Railroad Ghost Town
16 photos
Soldier Summit Ghost town was once a thriving town supporting DRW&G operations. The town was incorporated in 1921 and it's growth was primarily due to employees working in the DRG&W...

Orange County CA History
73 photos
I'm working my way through some old images from my High School beginning shutterbug days. I grew up in the OC and took lots of pictures of weird things -- not much has changed ...

Bees, Wasps Hornets and Yellow Jackets
35 photos
Doing their nature thing.

387 photos
Signs, especially vintage and neon signs have always fascinated me but are sadly disappearing from the landscape. Whenever I run across one that interests me it's a reflex to shoot a picture of it. ...

Attempts at Artsy
186 photos
My photostream is fairly eclectic. For me almost anything can be a photographic subject. Capturing images of the beauty and weirdness I see around me all the time is what I enjoy doing with my...

Winter Studies
216 photos
Things captured in the cold season.

Neurotic Cats
125 photos

130 photos
America, Mom, Apple Pie, and all that kind of thing presented warts and all...

105 photos
A cellebration of neon in any form!

Vintage Utah
12 photos

227 photos
Interesting looking church buildings that have crossed my path.

Roadside Attractions
84 photos
A collection of places and things found along the roadside in my travels. Some weird, some cool and some just sitting there rusting away.

Other People's Dogs
55 photos
I love dogs but don't have a dog. None of the dogs in this set live at my house, so thanks to all the pet partners for allowing me to share their dogs with you. They are fun to watch doing all the...

Sixties England
65 photos
I lived in Oxford, England and on the Isle of Wight in the Late Sixties and this collection contains some of the sights I took time to photograph. I wish I had taken more and more that reflected the...

193 photos
Happily I have the best of two worlds I live both in the mountains and on the seashore. Sometimes the commute can be difficult but it does have it's advantages. See also Ocean Studies set. Many of...

My Earliest Stuff
85 photos
An eclectic collection of some of my earliest photos, mostly from the sixties and seventies.

Tustin MCAS Blimp Hangers
21 photos
A collection of photos documenting the closed Tustin MCAS base. The blimp hangers were built in the early years of World War II by the U.S. Navy to house blimps used in submarine hunting along the...

Abandoned Starlight Roller Rink...
19 photos
A quick tour of an abandoned place with a history to tell.

Abandoned Army Air Crops Base -- Wendover, UT
110 photos
A photo tour of the abandoned WW II Army Air Corps air base in Wendover, UT

Industrial Stuff
140 photos
A collection of industrial components and places that caught my eye long enough to look through my viewfinder and push the shutter release.

The Love of Googie
28 photos
Googie and Mid-century modern architecture in and around Orange County and LA Country, California. With a couple from other places as well. Googie architecture is a product of the booming post...

Flowers and Such
220 photos
A collection of the small wonders of nature that we all get to enjoy much of the year -- captured now and saved for winter.

Fruit and Veg
117 photos

Aging Artifacts and Rusty Stuff
397 photos
Artifacts getting older and things aging gracefully or otherwise.

Not Where You Think
22 photos
A collection of photos which at first glance may seem to come from some place other than their real location.

Ocean Studies
36 photos

Sunsets and Sky
201 photos

159 photos

Advertising Inflatables
36 photos
A small collection of Parking Lot Cold Air Advertising Inflatables.

6 photos