Bode’s Galaxy, also known as Messier 81 (M81), is a grand-design spiral galaxy located approximately 12 million light-years away in the constellation Ursa Major. Slightly smaller than our Milky Way, M81 spans about 90,000 light-years in diameter but shares a similar mass and structure, featuring prominent spiral arms rich in star-forming regions and interstellar dust. This well-defined structure makes it one of the most studied galaxies in the night sky.
The image of M81 was captured using a 9.25-inch Schmidt-Cassegrain Telescope at a focal length of 1635mm under the exceptionally dark skies of the Al Salmi Desert in Kuwait. A total of 15 hours of integration was dedicated to this project, including several hours of hydrogen-alpha (Ha) data. Incorporating Ha data is significant because it highlights regions of ionized hydrogen gas, typically associated with areas of intense star formation. This additional layer of information brings out the glowing red nebulae within M81’s spiral arms, providing a deeper understanding of its structure and star-forming activity.
M81 is named after the German astronomer Johann Elert Bode, who first recorded its position in 1774. Bode described it as a "nebula without stars," a testament to the limited technology of his era. Today, it stands as a testament to our cosmic curiosity and technological progress, often studied alongside its galactic neighbor, M82, with which it interacts gravitationally. This interaction has triggered starburst activity in M82 and subtly influenced M81’s structure, offering a glimpse into the dynamic relationships between galaxies in the universe.
Luminance (2/16/2023):
Ha (3/17/2023)
RGB (3/22/2023)
Chroma Blue 36 mm: 31×180″(1h 33′)
Chroma Green 36 mm: 31×180″(1h 33′)
Chroma H-alpha 3nm Bandpass 36 mm: 71×300″(5h 55′)
Chroma Lum 36 mm: 108×180″(5h 24′)
Chroma Red 36 mm: 31×180″(1h 33′)
Total: 15h 58′
Telescope: Celestron EdgeHD 9.25"
Camera: ZWO ASI2600MM Pro
Mounts: Sky-Watcher EQ6-R Pro
-Chroma Blue 36 mm
-Chroma Green 36 mm
-Chroma H-alpha 3nm Bandpass 36 mm
-Chroma Lum 36 mm · Chroma Red 36 mm
-Celestron 0.7X Reducer EdgeHD925 (94245)
-ZWO EFW 7 x 36mm
Locations: Al Salmy Desert, Al Jahra Governorate, Kuwait
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