Es handelt sich um Testbilder zur Planung eines Projektes „Malen mit Licht“ mittlerweile ist die Methode hinlänglich bekannt und wird in der Fotografie unterschiedlich eingesetzt, bei diesen Bildern wurde der Effekt zur Veranschaulichung bisher lediglich digital künstlich erzeugt, und zwar mit einem LR Preset, welches ursprünglich für einen ganz anderen Zweck erstellt wurde, jedoch bei drei dieser Bilder das Bild um die in Echtzeit beleuchteten Bereiche herum abdunkelt.
Tags: 2025 Dramatisch hometown Januar
These are test images for planning a project, "Painting with light" now the method is well known and is used in different ways in photography, in these photos the effect for illustration purposes has so far only been created digitally artificially, using an LR preset which was originally created for a completely different purpose, but it darkens the photo around the areas of three of these photos that were illuminated in real time.
These are test images for planning a project, "Painting with light" now the method is well known and is used in different ways in photography, in these photos the effect for illustration purposes has so far only been created digitally artificially, using an LR preset which was originally created for a completely different purpose, but it darkens the photo around the areas of three of these photos that were illuminated in real time.
Painting with light