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User / jimf_29605 / Sets / How to move a big house
Jim Fowler / 33 items

N 1 B 1.9K C 0 E Sep 4, 2014 F Sep 5, 2014
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These two, 75-year-old oak trees will be coming down tomorrow morning. The closest one in the image is directly in front of my house on Mills Avenue, Greenville, South Carolina. The tree crews will begin the removal bginning 30 minutes after sunrise, which I believe is around 6:30 am. I'm sad to see them go, since the one in front of my house shades the bog garden in the early morning hours and provides a place for song birds to rest. They are "supposed" to be replaced by canopy trees, but we will see what happens.

Mills Avenue used to be lined with these large oak trees, but over the years, disease and storms have taken their toll. They are about at the end of their expected lifetime. These are two of the remaining four trees in a half-mile stretch of Mills Avenue.

Tags:   Oak Trees Mills Avenue Greenville South Carolina Olympus E-5 ZD Zuiko 12-60mm

N 5 B 947 C 3 E Sep 5, 2014 F Sep 5, 2014
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This is the house to be moved tomorrow morning. It once belonged to a wealthy family, but was later converted to a funeral home, then to an antiques shop. The interior was occasionally used for weddings and such.

When we found out that the house was to be demolished so that a senior citiizens nursing home could be built on the property, we located a buyer who would be willing to move it several blocks away to a new location.

It happens that the new location is across the street from our house. It should improve the value of all the homes in the area.

Anyway, a group got together and raised about half of the $500,000 it would take to move the house, making it manageable for the new owner to make a go of it.

This image is taken from the rear of the property where the house will be moved across Otis Street on its two-block journey.

Tags:   Large house preparation relocation Greenville South Carolina Olympus E-5 ZD Zuiko 12-60mm

N 0 B 439 C 0 E Sep 5, 2014 F Sep 5, 2014
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This is a parking lot directly across from the rear of the property where the house currently stands. The building you see are mostly doctor's offices. The house will come directly through the parking lot and intersect at the far end with Mills Avenue where it will "hopefully" make a right turn for the remaing one block distance.

Tags:   parking lot offices relocation path Greenville South Carolina Olympus E-5 ZD Zuiko 12-60mm

N 2 B 553 C 1 E Sep 5, 2014 F Sep 5, 2014
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Side view of the house after it had been turnd 90 degrees in preparation for the move. The later additions to the original structure have been removed so that it will more closely resemble the historical structure.

Tags:   Large house preparation relocation Greenville South Carolina Olympus E-5 ZD Zuiko 12-60mm

N 11 B 2.0K C 4 E Sep 5, 2014 F Sep 5, 2014
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Front view of the house in preparation for the two-block move. Image taken through a chain link fence.

Tags:   Large house preparation relocation Greenville South Carolina Olympus E-5 ZD Zuiko 12-60mm
