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User / iain.davidson100 / Sets / Granada Graffiti
Iain DAVIDSON / 12 items

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For those of you finding these on the Photostream and not through the Granada set, this is a wall painting from the Albaicin in Granada. Some would call them graffiti, but these are often of such high quality that wall painting is a much better term for them. There are lots more.

Tags:   spain graffiti cities

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For those of you finding these on the Photostream and not through the Granada set, this is a wall painting from the Albaicin in Granada. Some would call them graffiti, but these are often of such high quality that wall painting is a much better term for them. There are lots more.

Tags:   spain graffiti cities

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For those of you finding these on the Photostream and not through the Granada set, this is a wall painting from the Albaicin in Granada. Some would call them graffiti, but these are often of such high quality that wall painting is a much better term for them. There are lots more.

I have just readjusted the group memberships of this to take into account the current panic about AI

Tags:   spain graffiti cities

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For those of you finding these on the Photostream and not through the Granada set, this is a wall painting from the Albaicin in Granada. Some would call them graffiti, but these are often of such high quality that wall painting is a much better term for them. There are lots more.

Tags:   spain graffiti cities

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For those of you finding these on the Photostream and not through the Granada set, this is a wall painting from the Albaicin in Granada. Some would call them graffiti, but these are often of such high quality that wall painting is a much better term for them. There are lots more.

Tags:   spain graffiti
