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User / CalvinLiu / Sets
Calvin Lau / 83 items

A Rainy Day avec Yici Lo
6 photos
I took photos with Yici twice. Both were taken in rainy days. Her smiles, poses, and laughter, those unforgettable characteristics make her a such outstanding model.

Une jolie fille et le Camélia
5 photos
Model: P.Y. Chen

5 photos

La solitude
5 photos
A raniny day with Yici Lou

Random Pickups
8 photos

Saigon Revisit
3 photos
January 2016, I took a vacation at Saigon, Vietnam. It was seven years ago since my last stay. Not much changed in this city but the way I look at it.

Strolling thru an Afternoon of My Life
7 photos
With Joy Huang dated back to 13th of September 2015

Power of Square with Joy Huang
1 photo
Taken in the mid of September. A windy, sunny afternoon well spent.

Age of Those Innocents
9 photos
Kids of kindergarten and elementary school in a remote village of Pamir Mountain. It was an hour before their lunch break when I arrived in the school. I spent around forty minutes with these kids in...

Alexis Liao
16 photos
2015.10.04 in a deserted building near Shallow Water Bay

Corner of My Heart in Shanghai
9 photos
Dated back to July, 2015. Taken at several places in Shanghai such as Farine Bakery, M50, and Hanyuan Reading Room. Filmed with Kodak 5222 and Portra 400.

Woman from Nippon
2 photos
Taken by Leica MP and Summilux 50mm. Film used: Ilford Delta 3200. It was an Autumn evening when we shared the same table in a shop offering snow ice and almond tofu.

Life Filtered
2 photos

Power of Square with Vannessa Chien
2 photos

Power of Square with Mina Wei
6 photos
The hottest summer I've ever experienced. Thanks for the effort Mina ever put during photographing. All filmed with Hasselblad 503CW and Sonna 150mm. The more shots I took, the greater feedback I...

Being Vika Yu
13 photos
Filmed with Ilford Pan F 50 and Kodak Ektar 100. As usual, it is Leica MP that I used to photograph with. The setting is around the coastline near Taichung.

Power of Square with Vika Yu
6 photos
Filmed with Kodak Portra 400 and Fujichrome RDP 100. Shot with Hasselblad 503CW and Sonna 150mm. It was a cloudy morning during my stay in the campus of Tunghai University. It is low tide and the...

Tientien Tsui
9 photos
Filmed by Fujichrome RVP coupled with Hasselblad Sonna 150mm and Kodak Portra 400 coupled with Leica Summilux 50mm. Tientien is probable the youngest model whom I ever photographed with.

Mina Wei in Monochrome
11 photos
Filmed with Kodak 5222

Angela before Her Graduation
6 photos
Filmed with Kodak 5222 in the campus of Shih Chien University before her graduation.

A Sunday Evening
3 photos
Photos were taken at 大稻埕, Taipei.

3 photos
Photos were taken in 珈琲美美 and Amu Plaza duing vacation in Fukuoka, Kyushu. The last two were taken in the workshop of 源右衛門 in Saga, Kyushu.

One fine rainy day at Kyushu
3 photos
We drove along the river くまがわ and stopped by several reknown train stations. Our final stop was Hitoyoshi. After having べんとう at Hitoyoshi train station, we took a visit to...

1 photo

Still Life 2014
5 photos
Photos are taken from several different places such as Taipei Railway Workshop, a coffee shop once being a clinic, street corner near my home, etc. All filmed with a ilford 3200, which had been...

2015 Reunion with Angela in a Winter Morning
13 photos
The last winter break of Angela Chen. She will get her bachelor degree the coming June. Films used include Kodak Portra 100 and 400, format 135 and 120 respectively.

5 photos
The photo of father and son was shot in a wood processing plant near 金山磺溪, Taipei, Taiwan. The rest were taken at 松山 Cigarette Factory, Taipei, Taiwan. Filming with Leica Summilux 50mm...

3 photos
Taken at 浪巴舖/物茂土林, Yuanan, China. Filming with Fujichrome RVP50 and Kodak Portra 400. Dated back to December 2014.

A Winter Morning
4 photos
Taken at a village and viewpoint in 東川, Yuanan, China. Kodak Portra 160 with Leica Summilux 50mm and MP.

3 photos
December 2014, taken in a marketplace at 胜村, Yunnan, China. Hasselblad 503CW and 150mm. Film: Kodak Portra 400

5 photos
Taken at Yunnan, China. Hasselblad 503CW and 150mm. Kodak Portra 400 and Fujichrome RVP50.

Angela On Stage
8 photos
Two were taken at the root top of parking garage with Fujichrome RTP 64. The others were shot in a theatre burned down by fire decades ago. And, Kokak Portra 400 was chosen.

Angela Revisit
16 photos
Kodak Portra 160. Taken at a hot summer morning.

Mémoire Fading
7 photos
Taken at a hot summer afternoon in Lo-Sheng Sanatorium, the first hospital dedicated in Leprosy treatment in Taiwan.

2014 Surf Riders
7 photos
Rollei Digibase CR200, taken at 宜蘭外澳

5 photos
20140426 Model: Aiu Film: Kodak Double X

薇薇Li 西門町
6 photos
Natura 1600

21 photos
Kodak Double X

An Uncommon Marketplace
2 photos
Fujifilm Arcos 100

2 photos
女高音組 Kodak Double X

Southgate Guesthouse
4 photos
Kodak Portra 400

12 photos

Angela in Monochrome
10 photos
Angela Chen @ 敦南商圈

201312 Dash Xu
16 photos
酸酸帶場,Model: 許琬珍@樹林廢墟.

2013 Sipping Monochrome
7 photos

201305 彰濱巧紡廢墟
2 photos

2013 Around High School
3 photos

2013 Sipping Blue
6 photos
台南鹿角枝&高雄旗津 Fujichrome RTP64

20131208 林茉晶
19 photos
台中中興大學,建國市場。菲林:RDPIII 100 Push 2/3 & Natura 1600

20131116 成都恩光堂
7 photos

201311 丹巴色達之旅-Bizzare
12 photos

201311 中路 Hasselblad 80mm RDP 100
2 photos

201311 中路 RDPIII 100 Push 2/3
8 photos

201311 甲居藏寨
3 photos

201311 色達人物誌-Malachite
18 photos

201311 色達人物誌-Rouge
19 photos

201311 色達風光
13 photos
2013 11.17~11.25隨藏地光影攝影團,袁波老師等近20人,自成都入色達。海拔平均3900~4000米,氣溫10度以下至零下16度,高原天氣晴,風沙炊烟瀰漫。

2011 Hvartska II
38 photos

201310 Yibi 西螺座
17 photos
MD: 陳易俞. Film: Kodak Portra 400 Push One Stop

12 photos
09臺南吳園 & 10南機場公寓

201308 華光社區 辜莞允
34 photos

201308 中清果菜市場 淋雨
28 photos
Kodak Portra 400 +1

201307 Nini 東區街拍
21 photos

201306 東海大學 II
16 photos
Model: 淋雨 Film: Fujichrome RVP 50

201305 廣州開平隨拍
25 photos

20130420 Sonia at 台北藝大
15 photos

201202 Ektaring
7 photos

201302 山佳印象
4 photos

201302 山佳與大白兔
19 photos
Model: 大白兔Sandy

2013 農曆過年行走
7 photos

201212 成都蜀風雅韻
4 photos

201212 四川錦里一條街
4 photos

201212 四川杜甫草堂
7 photos

201212 四川松籓古城
34 photos

201212 四川九寨溝
28 photos

201211 福建云水瑶II
10 photos
離開云水瑶古鎮當天清晨,再訪和貴樓拍攝, 遠方山雨欲來

201211 福建云水謠I
10 photos

2012 猴硐與家門口
7 photos

2012 紹興南村,侯硐與龜吼
10 photos

2012 Aug 散步五羊城
14 photos

2012 南深八里南雅
8 photos

2011 陝西黨家村
5 photos

2011 山西晉祠
12 photos