I.D.s 1007 & 00906CT & 009312H photographed by John Ward on 2009-03-12 using a digital camera.
A Davis owned Kenworth semi trailer with the plate No SUM-282 for the prime mover and is passing the Imperial Hotel,
The truck and trailer is in Forbes Street near the corner with Maybe Street, Bombala, N.S.W., Australia.
I.D.s 1059 & 00387 photographed by John Ward on 2006-04-11 using a digital camera.
State Transit Authority Mercedes 0405 MK V 3182 with a body built by PMC in 10-1988 on Route 322 Belmont passing Woodey's Hamilton Hotel.
The location is at the corner of Tudor Street and Lawson Street, Hamilton, Newcastle, N.S.W., Australia.
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I.D.s 1058 & 00303 photographed by John Ward on 2006-02-15 using a digital camera.
The Central Hotel at the junction of Grevillea Avenue and Rye Street, Eugowra, N.S.W. Australia.
I.D.s 1107 & 45465 photographed by John Ward on 2021-02-18 of State Transit Authority Volvo B12BLE 1917 with a Custom Coaches CB60 series body built in 2-2009. The bus is on Route 370 Leichhardt Marketplace and is passing the Glenroy Hotel in Botany Road at Retreat Street, Alexandria, Sydney, N.S.W. Australia.
I.D.s 1060 & 01227 photographed by John Ward on 1997-02-28 using a roll film 35mm camera producing colour negatives and prints.
The Caledonia Hotel at 110 Aberdare Road, Aberdare, Hunter Valley, N.S.W., Australia.