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User / John from Brisbane / Bluey Days.
westernthunderer / 11,136 items
I know, Jenny and I are on sick leave and in fact, apart from my #### back, it was her turn at the skin specialist today and a suspicious mole has been biopsied and gone off for testing. My turn at the GP tomorrow where anything could happen! I hate February and March for all our annual and unprogrammed medical check ups. Getting older means rarely getting through without some complications.

Anyway, I had to tell you about some interesting stuff that happened in our backyard today. Firstly. a young Bearded Dragon showed up.....as unusual as that is, at the same time as Bluey the Blue Tongue Skink also turned up. There was a bit of a stand-off between them until the Bearded Dragon headed off and Bluey took up residence in a corner of the patio and stayed until late afternoon (the one on the left of the shots). Strangely, he or she remained undetected by the Galahs even though it was right below them beneath our bench while they were eating. Eventually, it moved off and went round the side of the house.

Then about 30 minutes later another Blue Tongue ambled across the patio in the same direction and onto the lawn (it's a bit dug up with weeds being removed as you can see) meaning a fluster for the Galahs this time and for us quickly clearing away some brooms and mops too (well, we do have to clean up after the birds) in order to give it clear passage. Wow, what an afternoon and then to top it all off, just on knock off time, the Bearded Dragon came back. What was it about today?

I am pretty sure we have a Mr and Mrs Bluey (aka Bandit and Chilli).

We truly enjoy our small backyard zoo but sometimes it's almost too much fun.
  • Views: 562
  • Comments: 18
  • Favorites: 34
  • Taken: Feb 12, 2025
  • Uploaded: Feb 11, 2025
  • Updated: Feb 17, 2025