The Swan Nebula, also known as the Omega Nebula, Checkmark Nebula, Lobster Nebula, and the Horseshoe Nebula is catalogued as Messier 17 or M17 or NGC 6618, is a bright HII emission nebula in the constellation Sagittarius.
I have created a hybrid Ha/OIII Bi-Colour, near true colour image.
The seeing held to the typical Eagleview standard over the two nights of data collection (FWHM mostly in the 1.6"-1.8" range) and man, for a 12" F3.8 Newtonian, operating at 0.84"/pix, heck, I must say, I'm very happy with the outcome, what a nebula!
*NB: No Blur Exterminator or other AI based sharpening, was used on this data.
Orion Optics UK AG12 F3.8
Starlightxpress TRIUS PRO-694 Midi Combi PRO Blue Edition incl.CFW & OAG unit
FLI Atlas Focuser
HaOIII RGB = 280min 120 30 30 30min combined exposure 8.2hrs
Astronomik 6nm NB filters
-20C chip temp, flats used but no dark frames.
Focal length 1120mm
Image scale 0.84"/pix
Guide Camera: Starlightxpress Lodestar PRO
Data collected 18 and 22 July 2024, full Moon, good to excellent seeing
Seeing (FWHM) quality at Eagleview:
Excellent: <1.6"
Good: 1.6" - 1.9"
Acceptable: 2.0" - 2.3"
Poor: >2.3"
Taken from Eagleview Observatory:
Equipment setup:
Some links to equipment used to take this image:
Sidereal Trading
StarlightXpress CCD Cameras and imaging equipment
Finger Lakes Instrumentation CCD cameras:
Gerd Neumann and Astronomik filters:
MSB Software & Astroart Camera control and Image processing software
© All Rights Reserved
Takahashi FSQ-106 telescope
Paramount MX mount
ZWO ASA 2600mm CMOS camera
Optolong Ha-LRGB filters
Data acquired remotely from IC Astronomy Observatory, Oria, Spain.
Ha: 181 x 600s
L: 56 x 600s
R: 63 x 600s
G: 32 x 600s
B: 48 x 600s
Data acquisition:
04-February-2024 to 13-March-2024
Processed with Astro Pixel Processor, PixInsight, Blur Xterminator, Star Xterminator, Noise Xterminator, Affinity Photo.
Astronomy tutorials and music videos on my You Tube Channel:
© All Rights Reserved
This image highlights the most easily visible and dramatic solar prominences during the 2024 solar eclipse, and the surrounding corona detail. Imaged just seconds prior to third contact, striking details can be observed all the way to the solar limb.
Image produced with a Canon R5 shooting 8K raw video with a Celestron C-11 XLT using a 0.75x focal reducer creating 2100mm focal length at f/7.5
As far as I know, this image is one of the highest resolution views of the 2024 solar eclipse.
Taken from Pocahontas, Arkansas
Tags: solar eclipse prominence sun canon r5 flare Hydrogen star corona WPD24Abstract
© All Rights Reserved
An LRGB image of 4B228.
Data subs courtesy of Telescope Live.
Processed in PixInsight and Affinity Photo.
© All Rights Reserved
Takahashi FSQ-106 telescope
Paramount MX mount
ZWO ASA 2600mm CMOS camera
Optolong LRGB filters
Data acquired remotely from IC Astronomy Observatory, Oria, Spain.
LRGB image:
L: 113 x 600s
R: 30 x 600s
G: 30 x 600s
B: 36 x 600s
Acquisition dates:
27-09-2023 to 08-10-2023
Processed with Astro Pixel Processor, PixInsight, Blur Xterminator, Star Xterminator, Noise Xterminator, Affinity Photo.
Astronomy tutorials and music videos on my You Tube Channel:
© All Rights Reserved