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User / auntneecey / breakfast of champions - 182/365
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At the grocery store early this morning the man in front of me was purchasing 3 dozen doughnuts and a bottle of Mountain Dew. In the parking lot I saw he must have lost control of his load and dropped the bottle. It seemed to have opened and was emptying the contents in the middle of the parking lot. He seriously just left it there! Does it say more about his character that he left it there or mine that I stopped to take a picture of it and also left it.

July personal goal is to take pictures out and about. It really is to challenge myself to get out of my comfort zone. I get quite self conscious about being in public with my camera and taking shots like this. People can be suspicious about cameras and I sort of have that poser syndrome.

Week 26 Compositionally Challenged - low pov
  • Views: 3671
  • Comments: 19
  • Favorites: 48
  • Taken: Jul 1, 2015
  • Uploaded: Jul 1, 2015
  • Updated: Jul 3, 2017