313/366: 2016
Thanks to Denise (auntneecey) for the suggestion of open hearted to add to this series. I need to do this again at some point as the background is showing lines, no time today though.
After a couple of years in retirement, I have been asked to go back to work and have agreed to do a few days this month. Today is one of those days. So, I set this up last night, ready for this morning, to avoid the panic of not getting my POTD. I am out tonight as well so may not get back to comment until tomorrow.
The rest of this series can be found here: www.flickr.com/photos/28992287@N03/albums/72157676020796086
Tags: 366: the 2016 edition 366:2016 Day 313/366 8-Nov-16 heart open hearted red beads bead heart high key white white background negative space less less is more simplicity simple minimal minimalism shape heart shape macro Canon 7D
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