This is an irruptive species and this has been HK's best Winter on record. Flocks of IY are literally everywhere and seen almost each time I go for a walk.
Tags: Canon R7 Indochinese Yuhina The Peak Staphida torqueola
A pair of CGs nests close to a local building and they warm themselves on the bare branches of a nearby tree before they fly off to hunt. This is a good opportunity to try and photograph them although clear unobstructed shots are still a bonus.
Tags: Accipiter trivirgatus Quarry Bay Canon R7 Mount Parker female Crested Goshawk
A species rapidly expanding in range and numbers across HK Island.
Tags: Quarry Bay Pericrocotus solaris Canon R7 Mount Parker Grey-chinned Minivet
A common Winter visitor - the male (pictured) is always attractive.
Tags: Canon R5 Male Daurian Redstart Sai Kung LNEC
Tags: Dutch Lane Swinhoe's White-eye Mid Levels Canon R5 Hong Kong