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User / lego911 / Mercedes 540 K Autobahnkurier Headlamps
Peter Blackert / 28,527 items
One of the many limited volume custom bodies available for the mid-thirties Mercedes 500/540 K, the Autobahnkurier is a closed body Coupe.

Designed to be streamlined and make to most of the 200 hp supercharged straight-eight on the newly opened autobahn (freeways).

Most of the custom bodied, ultra exclusive vehicles from this period are unique inthe form of the bodies, trim and details. The model here features black fenders a turret with lime green hood (bonnet) doors and rear.

Built for Flickr LUGNuts 50th build challenge - " The stuff dreams are made of" - this Key Lime Mercedes-Benz is the unique ride of the femme character in the lead story.

The story.....

"Nice car."


What else can I say - this thing is enormous. I sputter out - " I like the colour."

"Thanks, Key Lime. It was nice talking with you."

"Yes, certainly."

She applied some steering lock, obviously with some effort when stationary. I heard the gear change and the engine note falter briefly as she engaged the clutch.

For such a large car, it appeared to move gracefully, the enclosed wheel forms giving the illusion that the wheels were not rolling.

Once onto the road the whine from the supercharger kicked in as more throttle was applied.

I looked into the distance for a long time - I could no longer see the car, nor hear it.

"Key Lime. At least that makes sense." I said to myself, as I walked over to the bucket of bolts I call my own car.

I headed off in the other direction.

"Key lime. Whata-yer-know?"

The model.

The 540 K Autobahnkurier model features a inline lego pison engines driving the rear wheels. The rear axle features a simple indepndent suspension (the first for a Mercedes-Benz model during the period). The bodywork is a two-door coupe with a piano hinge bonnet revealing the engine. A modicum of steering is available under the long front fenders.

Celebrating LUGNuts 50th - thanks Lino, Nathan and the moderators for all your effort, encouragement, criticism and awesome models.
  • Views: 1970
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  • Favorites: 2
  • Taken: Jan 3, 2012
  • Uploaded: Jan 4, 2012
  • Updated: Jan 6, 2012