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User / Hirike / Makarska, malakološka zbirka - Makarska, the malacologic collection
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In the year 1959 franciscan priest Jure Radić, supported by help of the nun Marija Edita Solić, priest Frane Carev and other franciscan monks, decided to exhibit mollusc collection. Local fishermen and people from Makarska added to the collection, at first from Adriatic, later from all over the world.
In the year 1963 permanent exhibition of the malacology collection of the Franciscan monastery in Makarska was established. Since that year, hundreds of thousends people visited the exhibition, that is tourist attraction in Makarska.
Malacology is the branch of invertebrate zoology that deals with the study of the Mollusca, the second-largest phylum of animals in terms of described species after the arthropods. Mollusks include snails and slugs, clams, and cephalopods.

Godine 1959. franjevac Jure Radić, uz pomoć časne sestre Marije Edite Solić, svećenika Frane Careva i drugih redovnika franjevaca, odlučio je izložiti zbirku mekušaca. Zbirku su dopunjavali lokalni ribari i Makarčani, isprva s Jadrana, kasnije iz cijeloga svijeta.
Godine 1963. postavljen je stalni postav malakološke zbirke Franjevačkog samostana u Makarskoj. Od te godine stotine tisuća ljudi posjetilo je izložbu koja je turistička atrakcija Makarske.
Malakologija je grana zoologije beskralježnjaka koja se bavi proučavanjem mekušaca, druge najveće skupine nakon člankonožaca. Mekušci uključuju puževe, školjkaše i glavonošce.
  • Views: 165
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  • Taken: Sep 7, 2023
  • Uploaded: Nov 27, 2023
  • Updated: Jan 11, 2024