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N 5 B 245 C 2 E Oct 1, 2024 F Oct 12, 2024
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I know it can seem boring, but I was fascinated by cables that present interesting pattern, it seems as if they are moving...

N 7 B 607 C 5 E Oct 1, 2024 F Oct 9, 2024
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The Pelješac Bridge (Croatian: Pelješki most, pronounced [pěʎeʃkiː môːst]) is a cable-stayed bridge in Dubrovnik-Neretva County, Croatia. The bridge provides a fixed link from the southeastern Croatian semi-exclave to the rest of the country while bypassing Bosnia and Herzegovina's short coastal strip at Neum. The bridge spans the sea channel between Komarna on the northern mainland and the peninsula of Pelješac, thereby passing entirely through Croatian territory and avoiding any border crossings with Bosnia and Herzegovina at Neum.
Construction started on 30 July 2018, and the bridge was connected on 28 July 2021. The bridge and its access roads opened for traffic on 26 July 2022. Ston bypass road was opened on 19 April 2023, allowing buses, heavy trucks, and trucks carrying hazardous loads to access the bridge.
The original 2007 design for the bridge had a main span of 568 metres (1,864 ft).This design was modified, and the bridge was built as a multi-span cable-stayed bridge with a total length of 2,404 metres (7,887 ft). It comprises thirteen spans, of which seven are cable-stayed; five central 285-metre (935 ft) spans and two outer 203.5-metre (668 ft) spans. Two pylons around the 200-metre (660 ft) x 55-metre (180 ft) navigation channel are 98 metres (322 ft) above sea level and 222 metres (728 ft) above the seabed.The bridge was designed by Slovenian engineer Marjan Pipenbaher.
Both sides of the bridge are served by access roads, including two tunnels on Pelješac (one 2,467 metres (8,090 ft) and the other 499 metres (1,640 ft) long), as well as two smaller bridges on Pelješac, (one 420 metres (1,400 ft) and another 131 metres (430 ft) long).

Pelješki most je most sa užadima u Dubrovačko-neretvanskoj županiji, Hrvatska. Most osigurava fiksnu vezu s polueksklavom na jugoistoku Hrvatske s ostatkom zemlje dok zaobilazi kratki obalni pojas Bosne i Hercegovine kod Neuma. Most premošćuje morski kanal između Komarne na sjevernom kopnu i poluotoka Pelješca, čime u cijelosti prolazi hrvatskim teritorijem i izbjegava granične prijelaze s Bosnom i Hercegovinom kod Neuma.
Izgradnja je započela 30. srpnja 2018., a most je spojen 28. srpnja 2021. Most i pristupne ceste pušteni su u promet 26. srpnja 2022. Stonska obilaznica otvorena je 19. travnja 2023., te je omogućen promet autobusa, teških kamiona i teretnih vozila s opasnim teretima za pristup mostu.
Izvorni projekt iz 2007. godine za most imao je glavni raspon od 568 metara (1864 ft). Ovaj je projekt izmijenjen i most je izgrađen kao višerasponski most s užadima ukupne duljine 2404 metra (7887 ft). Sastoji se od trinaest raspona, od kojih je sedam s užadi; pet središnjih raspona od 285 metara (935 ft) i dva vanjska raspona od 203,5 metara (668 ft). Dva stupa oko plovidbenog kanala veličine 200 metara (660 stopa) x 55 metara (180 stopa) nalaze se na 98 metara (322 stope) iznad razine mora i 222 metra (728 stopa) iznad morskog dna. Most je projektirao slovenski inženjer Marjan Pipenbaher.
Obje strane mosta opslužuju pristupne ceste, uključujući dva tunela na Pelješcu (jedan 2467 metara (8090 ft) i drugi 499 metara (1640 ft)), kao i dva manja mosta na Pelješcu (jedan 420 metara ( 1400 ft) i još 131 metar (430 ft) dug).

N 4 B 213 C 1 E Oct 1, 2024 F Oct 7, 2024
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Red Lake (Croatian: Crveno jezero) is a sinkhole containing a karst lake near the city of Imotski, Croatia. It is known for its numerous caves and remarkably high cliffs, reaching over 241 meters above normal water level and continuing below the water level. The total explored depth of this sinkhole is approximately 530 meters with a volume of roughly 25–30 million cubic meters, thus it is the third largest sinkhole in the world. Water drains out of the basin through underground waterways that descend below the level of the lake floor. The deepest known point of the lake is 4 meters below sea level.
The sinkhole is named after the reddish-brown colour of the surrounding cliffs, coloured by iron oxides.
Like the nearby Blue Lake, it is presumed that the lake emerged when the ceiling of a large cave hall collapsed.
The lake is inhabited with endemic and endangered spotted minnow (Delminichthys adspersus) and Imotski spined loach (Cobitis illyrica). In the dry period of the year, this fish can be occasionally seen in surrounding springs, rivers and lakes, suggesting that there is an underground connection between Red Lake and other water bodies.
At the 13th International Congress of Speleology in 2001, new findings were revealed. An inflow cave-shaped canal that measured approximately 30 × 30 meters was discovered in the eastern part of the lake at a depth of 175 meters.
On May 6, 2017, French cave diver Frederic Swierczynski dived into the Red Lake and became the first man in history to set foot on the bottom. The dive lasted four hours, and the Frenchman touched the bottom at 245 meters.
A large part of the western wall of the lake collapsed due to the earthquake near Imotski on December 29, 1942, intensity in the epicenter of the IX° MCS scale and magnitude 6.2.

Crveno jezero je vrtača koja sadrži kraško jezero u blizini grada Imotskog u Hrvatskoj. Poznato je po brojnim špiljama i izuzetno visokim liticama koje dosežu preko 241 metar iznad normalne razine vode i nastavljaju se ispod razine vode. Ukupna istražena dubina ove vrtače je približno 530 metara s volumenom od otprilike 25-30 milijuna kubičnih metara, stoga je treća najveća vrtača na svijetu. Voda otječe iz bazena kroz podzemne vodotokove koji se spuštaju ispod razine jezerskog dna. Najdublja poznata točka jezera je 4 metra ispod razine mora.
Vrtača je dobila ime po crvenkasto-smeđoj boji okolnih litica obojenih željeznim oksidima.
Kao i obližnje Modro jezero, pretpostavlja se da je jezero nastalo urušavanjem stropa velike špiljske dvorane.
Jezero je naseljeno endemskim i ugroženim pjegavim gavcem (Delminichthys adspersus) i imotskim vijunom (Cobitis illyrica). U sušnom razdoblju godine ova se riba povremeno može vidjeti u okolnim izvorima, rijekama i jezerima, što govori o podzemnoj vezi između Crvenog jezera i drugih vodenih tijela.
Na 13. međunarodnom kongresu speleologije 2001. godine otkrivena su nova saznanja. U istočnom dijelu jezera na dubini od 175 metara otkriven je ulazni kanal u obliku špilje, dimenzija oko 30 × 30 metara.
Francuski speleoronilac Frederic Swierczynski 6. svibnja 2017. je zaronio u Crveno jezero i postao prvi čovjek u povijesti koji je kročio na dno. Zaron je trajao četiri sata, a Francuz je dno dotaknuo na 245 metara.
Velik dio zapadnog zida jezera se urušio zbog potresa u blizini Imotskog 29. prosinca 1942. intenziteta u epicentru IX° MCS ljestvice i magnitude 6,2.

N 6 B 111 C 4 E Oct 1, 2024 F Oct 4, 2024
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The blue lake was created when two neighboring sinkholes which caved in and merged, giving the lake its kidney-like shape. Sinkholes are formed by erosion of limestone bedrock under the influence of water. Due to limestone's permeability, water gathers underround where it creates caverns. Sinkholes occure when roofs of these caverns collapse due to natural movements, such as earthquakes.
The bed of the blue lake is not always unterwater. The lake dimensions vary depending of the water level, and sometimes it is completely dry.

Plavo jezero je nastalo kada su se dvije susjedne vrtače udubile i spojile, dajući jezeru bubrežast oblik. Vrtače nastaju erozijom vapnenačke podloge pod utjecajem vode. Zbog propusnosti vapnenca, voda se skuplja u podnožju gdje stvara špilje. Vrtače nastaju kada se krovovi ovih špilja uruše zbog prirodnih kretanja, poput potresa.
Korito modrog jezera nije uvijek podvodno. Dimenzije jezera variraju ovisno o vodostaju, a ponekad je i potpuno suho.

N 3 B 96 C 0 E Aug 25, 2024 F Sep 30, 2024
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