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User / Hirike / Sets / Hrvatska - Croatia
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Stalaktite stvara voda koja kaplje sa stropa a dolazi iz pukotine. Mala količina vapnenca iz kapljice vode kristalizira se na stropu. Promjer i oblik stalaktita ovisi o količini vapnenca i vode. Ako je malo vode, teče sporo i većina vapnenca se odlaže blizu stropa kao debeli stalaktiti. Ako je vode puno, vapnenac se odlaže duž stalaktita, koji će tada biti tanak i dugačak.

Stalactites are deposited by water from the ceiling coming down a crack. A tiny amout of limestone from the water drop crystalizes at the ceiling.
The diameter and shape of the stalactite depends on the amount of deposited limestone and the amount of water. If there is very little water, it will flow rather slow and most of the limestone is deposited near the ceiling, as thick stalactites. If there is much water, the limestone deposition takes place all over the stalactite and it will be rather thin and long.

Tags:   Cerovačke spilje Hrvatska Croatia TheUnforgettablePictures

N 6 B 515 C 21 E Jun 20, 2010 F Jun 20, 2010
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More svira na orguljama...
The sea is playing the organ...

Tags:   Zadar Hrvatska Croatia Morske orgulje Sea organ

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"Stalagmitić" poput sladoleda od vanilije...
The "little" stalagmite, like vanilla ice cream...

Tags:   Gračac Hrvatska Croatia Cerovačke spilje Stalagmit Cave

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Cerovačke caves- The stone curtain with the vessels


Stalaktite stvara voda koja kaplje sa stropa a dolazi iz pukotine. Mala količina vapnenca iz kapljice vode kristalizira se na stropu. Promjer i oblik stalaktita ovisi o količini vapnenca i vode. Ako je malo vode, teče sporo i većina vapnenca se odlaže blizu stropa kao debeli stalaktiti. Ako je vode puno, vapnenac se odlaže duž stalaktita, koji će tada biti tanak i dugačak.

Stalactites are deposited by water from the ceiling coming down a crack. A tiny amout of limestone from the water drop crystalizes at the ceiling.
The diameter and shape of the stalactite depends on the amount of deposited limestone and the amount of water. If there is very little water, it will flow rather slow and most of the limestone is deposited near the ceiling, as thick stalactites. If there is much water, the limestone deposition takes place all over the stalactite and it will be rather thin and long.

Tags:   Gračac Cerovačke spilje Hrvatska Croatia Cave

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Pogled na Trg sv.Trojstva i kužni pil, barokni spomenik podignut 1749. godine kao spomen na 798 Požežana koji su umrli od epidemije kuge što je harala od svibnja do studenog 1739. godine (u to je doba grad imao oko dvije tisuće žitelja). Na spomeniku piše da ga je podigao grad, a izradio "pictor di Veneta" Gabrijel Granicije za 2000 jaja i 300 forinti.

The view to the Holy Trinity square and baroque votive monument erected in 1749 in memory to 798 citizens of Požega who died during the plague that lasted from May until November 1739. (There were about two thousands citizens in Požega in that period). An inscription on the monument says that it has been erected by the city and sculpted by "pictor di Veneta" Gabriel Granicie for the price of 2000 eggs and 300 forints.

Tags:   Požega Hrvatska Croatia Trg sv.Trojstva Holy Trinity square
