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User / Hirike / Sets / Omiš
18 items

N 7 B 208 C 7 E May 4, 2024 F May 4, 2024
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What a pity I can't recognize the birds species by their song...

Koja šteta što ne mogu prepoznati vrste ptica prema njihovoj pjesmi...

N 11 B 185 C 3 E May 4, 2024 F May 6, 2024
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Fortress Peovica, the Omiš castle was erected on six interconnected levels , on the steep crags that step down from the Omiška Dinara mountain towards the river Cetina. The fortified complex is dominated by the tall 13th century romanesque tower, called Peovica, which is notable for its secret secondary exit at the rear. Today there is almost nothing left of the original contents of the fortress, but it is known that there were once several buildings including the dwelling of Herceg (duke) Stipan Vukčić Kosača, one of the medieval lords of Omiš. The main tower was restored after it was partly demolished by a thunder bolt.

Tvrđava Peovica, omiški kaštel podignut je na šest međusobno povezanih razina, na strmim stijenama koje se s Omiške Dinare spuštaju prema rijeci Cetini. Utvrđenim kompleksom dominira visoka romanička kula iz 13. stoljeća, zvana Peovica, koja je poznata po svom tajnom izlazu na stražnjoj strani. Od izvornog sadržaja tvrđave danas nije ostalo gotovo ništa, ali se zna da je tu nekada bilo nekoliko građevina među kojima i stan hercega Stipana Vukčića Kosače, jednog od srednjovjekovnih omiških gospodara. Glavna kula je obnovljena nakon što ju je djelomično srušio udar groma.

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It is not easy to climb these stairs...
Fortress Peovica, the Omiš castle was erected on six interconnected levels , on the steep crags that step down from the Omiška Dinara mountain towards the river Cetina. The fortified complex is dominated by the tall 13th century romanesque tower, called Peovica, which is notable for its secret secondary exit at the rear. Today there is almost nothing left of the original contents of the fortress, but it is known that there were once several buildings including the dwelling of Herceg (duke) Stipan Vukčić Kosača, one of the medieval lords of Omiš. The main tower was restored after it was partly demolished by a thunder bolt.

Nije se lako penjati ovim stepenicama...
Tvrđava Peovica, omiški kaštel podignut je na šest međusobno povezanih razina, na strmim stijenama koje se s Omiške Dinare spuštaju prema rijeci Cetini. Utvrđenim kompleksom dominira visoka romanička kula iz 13. stoljeća, zvana Peovica, koja je poznata po svom tajnom izlazu na stražnjoj strani. Od izvornog sadržaja tvrđave danas nije ostalo gotovo ništa, ali se zna da je tu nekada bilo nekoliko građevina među kojima i stan hercega Stipana Vukčića Kosače, jednog od srednjovjekovnih omiških gospodara. Glavna kula je obnovljena nakon što ju je djelomično srušio udar groma.

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The previous photo was taken during climbing, but going down the stairs was even harder (although I don't suffer of acrophobia, it was not pleasant to look down)...

Prethodna fotografija je snimljena tijekom penjanja, ali spuštanje niz stepenice bilo je još teže (iako ne patim od akrofobije, nije bilo ugodno gledati dolje)...
