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User / Hirike / Sets / Cavtat
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The Franciscan monastery of Our Lady of the Snow in Cavtat grew out of the community of Franciscan monasteries of the Dubrovnik Franciscan Province back in 1484.
The church is a constructive part of the monastery complex and had to be built parallel to the monastery, just like the bell tower. The original belfry was domeless in the Gothic style, with a tall, slender pointed finial. The current belfry dates from 1901, and the first bell was acquired in 1872 in Trieste.

Franjevački samostan Gospe od Snijega u Cavtatu izrastao je iz zajednice franjevačkih samostana, Dubrovačke franjevačke provincije daleke 1484.g.
Crkva je konstruktivni dio samostanske cjeline i morala se graditi usporedno sa samostanom, baš kao i zvonik. Prvotni zvonik je bio bez kupole u gotičkom stilu, s visokim, vitkim šiljastim završetkom. Sadašnji zvonik datira iz 1901. godine, a prvo zvono je nabavljeno 1872. godine u Trstu.

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Parish Church of St. Nicholas the bishop in Cavtat dates back to 1484. It was upgraded in 1737. The belfry was also built then. It was consecrated on June 1, 1835. It was again remodeled and expanded in the 1996/97 renovation.

Župna crkva sv. Nikole biskupa u Cavtatu potječe iz 1484. g. Nadograđena je 1737. Tada je sagrađen i zvonik. Posvećena je 1. lipnja 1835. Ponovno je preuređena i proširena u obnovi 1996/97.

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LADY OF CAVTAT, work of Vlaho Bukovac
In the large lunette above the triumphal arch. Oil on canvas. Throughout the entire length, in the upper part, a view of Cavtat seen from the sea is painted, while in the first part, the Lady is in profile looking at the City, and angels are hovering around her. At the very bottom, across the entire width of the picture, the inscription runs: YOU ARE GLORIOUS AND LOVELY IN MY NEST - OF THE ALMIGHTY HAND WHILE HE PROTECTS YOU - KNIGHTLY, ALL HANG IN HIGHER GLORY VLAHO BU(KOVAC) PRAHA G. (1919).

GOSPA OD CAVTATA, rad Vlahe Bukovca
U velikoj luneti iznad trijumfalnog luka. Ulje na platnu. Kroz cijelu dužinu u gornjem dijelu je naslikana veduta Cavtata gledana s mora, dok je u prvom Gospa u profilu kako gleda na Grad, a oko nje lebde anđeli. Sasvim na dnu kroz cijelu širinu slike teče natpis: CAVTATE SLAVNO I MILO MOJE GNIJEZDO TI SI- SVEMOGUĆEG RUKA DOK TE ŠTITI – VITEŠKI SE SVE U VIŠU SLAVU VISI VLAHO BU(KOVAC) PRAHA G.(1919).

N 5 B 222 C 4 E Oct 2, 2024 F Oct 23, 2024
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The mausoleum of the Račić family is the first realized architecture of Ivan Meštrović (1883 - 1962). It was built for the Račić shipowner family from 1920 to 1922. In 1919, Ivo Račić, and then his two children, died suddenly of the Spanish flu. At the invitation of Marija, the widow of Ivo Račić, and according to the promise made earlier to her daughter Marija Banac, Meštrović begins the construction of the votive burial church dedicated to Our Lady of the Angels.
With different historical styles, he eclectically builds a new, modern space in an art deco atmosphere where architecture and sculpture are on an equal footing.
The mausoleum has an octagonal floor plan with prominent chapels in the shape of a Greek cross. The interior is rich in stylized sculptures and reliefs (the Virgin Mary with Jesus, playing angels, angel heads, St. Rocco, the crucified Christ, portraits of members of the Račić family, floral motifs, etc.).
In the very execution of Meštrović's project, sculptors' assistants and masons were engaged, and since 1921, the architect Harold Bilinić, later Meštrović's permanent associate for architecture, was involved in the construction.
The construction of the Mausoleum of the Račić family was completed in 1922, and it was dedicated to Our Lady of Angels on October 14, when the remains of the deceased were transferred.
For this performance, Meštrović received the Grand Prix at the International Exhibition of Modern Industrial and Decorative Art in Paris in 1925.

Mauzolej obitelji Račić prva je realizirana arhitektura Ivana Meštrovića (1883. - 1962.). Građen je za brodovlasničku obitelj Račić od 1920. do 1922. godine. Ivo Račić, a potom i njegovo dvoje djece 1919. godine nenadano su umrli od španjolske gripe. Na poziv Marije, udovice Iva Račića te prema ranije danom obećanju njenoj kćeri Mariji Banac, Meštrović otpočinje gradnju zavjetne grobne crkve posvećene Gospi od Anđela.
Različitim povijesnim stilovima eklektički gradi novi, moderni prostor art deco ozračja gdje su arhitektura i skulptura u jednakopravnom položaju.
U samoj izvedbi Meštrovićevog projekta angažirani su kiparski pomoćnici i klesari, a od 1921. godine u gradnju je uključen arhitekt Harold Bilinić, kasniji Meštrovićev stalni suradnik za arhitekturu.
Gradnja Mauzoleja obitelji Račić dovršena je 1922. godine, a Gospi od Anđela posvećen je 14. listopada, kad su preneseni i posmrtni ostaci pokojnika.
Meštrović je za ovu izvedbu 1925. godine dobio Grand Prix na Međunarodnoj izložbi moderne industrijske i dekorativne umjetnosti u Parizu.
