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User / Maria-H / In a world of his own
6,182 items
Our 2 year old grandson, is fascinated with diggers, "nee-naws" and the like and loved looking at these (Lego look-alike) models at Gullivers theme park. The shot was taken through the 2 panes of the glass cabinet - he was too interested in the models to pose for me! It's a bit of an unusual shot - but I quite liked how it turned out.

Some more normal looking shots in the comment below. He is what has kept me away from flickr over the last few days - I'll attempt to catch up with everyone as soon as I can.
  • Views: 1309
  • Comments: 19
  • Favorites: 8
  • Taken: Oct 18, 2014
  • Uploaded: Oct 19, 2014
  • Updated: Sep 15, 2016