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User / Maria-H / Sets / Sporades
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We arrived home last night after a wonderful and relaxing couple of weeks in the northern Sporades (Alonissos and Skopelos). I have lots of pictures to sort out and haven't even downloaded them all yet, so I will try to catch up with everyone over the next week or so.

This tranquil spot was a few minutes walk from Alonissos Old Village, an amazing place to watch the sun setting over the neighbouring island of Skoplelos. This couple (I think they were French) seemed to be meditating while the sun set and we tried not to disturb their peace with our constant clicking of cameras - but I couldn't resist sneaking their silhouettes into my shot. Looks best viewed on black.

Tags:   sunset yoga silhouette sea Alonissos northern Sporades Greece Panasonic GH2 DMC-GH2 14-140

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We saw this gull at the harbour at Skiathos Town. It seemed to be having problems eating - whatever this pink creature is! First it tried to eat it spikey side first - but this didn't work and it eventually downed it in one, squelchy side first. Id of the gull (I assume it is a juvenile?) or its lunch, welcomed!

A couple more shots below.

Tags:   bird gull seagull Skiathos Town northern Sporades Greece Panasonic GH2 DMC-GH2 100-300

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In a nation with so many islands, boats and ferries are an important part of every day life. The huge car ferries like the one above, seem to dominate some of the tiny harbours. Skiathos also has the airport for the Sporades and the control tower can be seen in the background.

The airport is just on the edge of Skiathos Town. The one runway cuts across a neck of land, with sea at either end and there is space for just 3 planes, by the small terminal building. There are some fantastic photographs round the airport of the planes flying low over the town, boats or beaches. I managed to catch the two planes in the comments, whist we waited to head to the airport on our last morning.

Tags:   ferry boats harbour Skiathos Town northern Sporades Greece Panasonic GH2 DMC-GH2 100-300

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On the day we were leaving the islands, the ferry arrived in Skiathos early morning but the flight wasn't unil mid-afternoon. As the airport is only 5 minutes drive from the harbour, our luggage was looked after and we were given 5 hours to explore this pretty harbour town. This was no hardship on a lovely sunny day - and (of course) another photo oppontunity!

A few more shots below.

Tags:   harbour Skiathos Town northern Sporades Greece Panasonic GH2 DMC-GH2 14-140

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I'm almost at the end of my Greek holiday pictures (I have loads more but coudn't possibly post them all) and I hope I've not bored everyone with my travels through one of my favourite holiday destinations. The shot above was taken at dawn from the ferry terminal, whilst waiting for the ferry to Skiathos.

The shots in the comment were taken in Skopelos Town on our last evenig. The main shot was taken with the 20mm pancake and the ones in the comment with the 14mm pancake.

Tags:   pancake 20mm f1.7 harbour Skopelos Town northern Sporades Greece Panasonic GH2 DMC-GH2
