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User / Maria-H / Sets / Warwick Castle
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Stunt riders performing during the War of the Roses performance at Warwick Castle.

More shots in the comment below, showing some of their daring stunts.

Tags:   stunt riders horses War of the Roses Warwick Castle Warwickshire UK Olympus OM Digital Solutions OM-1 12-100 f4

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A more theatrical (but fun) version of the War of the Roses at Warwick Castle on a rather hot and sunny day.

Two more shots in the comment below - one of a fight between Richard III and Henry - who became the first Tudor King, Henry VII ending the Wars of the Roses. The second shot is of the show finale.

Tags:   War of the Roses Warwick Castle Warwickshire UK Olympus OM Digital Solutions OM-1 12-100

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We got home late Friday after a few days away with our grandson, which included an overnight stay at Warwick Castle in the Knight's Village. One of the highlights is the re-enactment of the story of the War of the Roses, which includes plenty of action including jousting and sword fighting, along with some history. We ended up watching this twice - once from the House of York side and the other time from the House of Lancaster.

Some more shots in the comment below. I'll try to catch up with my contacts over the next few days.

Tags:   War of the Roses joust knights Warwick Castle UK Olympus OM-D E-M1 Mark III 12-100 f4

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A spectacular addition to our stay at Warwick Castle was the evening show - Dragon Slayer. The show takes place in the central courtyard of the castle and includes horses, sword fighting and many special effects. The show was dramatic, noisy, quite dark (in both senses of the word) and very exciting to watch!

In part one, it tells the story of Guy (originally of humble birth) and his quest to win the heart of the Earl's daughter, Felice. He sets off to prove his worth by fighting many foes, saving maiden's etc. He is eventually knighted as Guy of Warwick and marries Felice - though the story does not end there...

Some more shots in the comment below. Photography became more difficult as the night got darker - and I was mainly watching the show - but I did manage a few reasonable shots.

The legend of Guy of Warwick:


Tags:   Dragon Slayer knights Guy of Warwick Warwick Castle UK Olympus OM-D E-M1 Mark III 12-100 f4

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We've just returned from a short break with our grandson, including a stay at Warwick Castle. The highlight of the day is the "War of the Roses Live" show, re-enacted with knights and jousting. It was certainly spectacular and our grandson (who loves anything to do with knights) was amazed!

More photos below. Will try to catch up with everyone over the next few days.

Tags:   knights horses joust Warwick Castle Warwickshire UK Olympus OM-D E-M1 Mark III 12-100 f4
