Another photo from the shoot with Lindsay
I decided to use my digital Hasselblad H3D but with the 645 film back instead of the digital back. I have shot film with it a couple of times but have not been wow'd enough to do it alot. I thought i'd give it another go.
Hasselblad H3D + 645 Hasselblad film back + 80mm f2.8 HC AF kit lens @f2.8 + 120 Ilford FP4 Plus film
Developing - 1:3 Xtol, 12min at 25 degrees, Epson v800 scan
I think I prefer the detail with the lens stopped down to f4-f5.6
..that said, I think if i'd used a Leica film body + say the 75 APO lens and good film like Pan F50 the results would be better still.. fine grain film has as big an effect on the final image as the camera/ lens combo (see the Olympys RC35 + PanF 50 example (last photo posted) as proof!) :)