Another 4x5 camera shot this time with my new Horseman 6x12 back that I wanted to try out last weekend. I'm a newbie when it comes to checking the corners as i'm used to shooting people. As such I didn't noticed the darkened corners from having the 75mm lens backed up as far it as would go and being tilted to try to get the foreground sharp and then Kenilworth castle not totally blurred. My 75mm is small in size so great to carry but smaller image circle so less movement possible. I got up early and arrived to location before sunrise. It was a scene to shoot in colour but I knew I was likely to not get the perfect shot on my first proper landscape(ish) outing so shot B&W instead
Intrepid 4x5 wood camera + Schneider 75mm F8 Super Angulon lens + Horseman 6x12 roll film back + 120 Fomapan 100@400 (f32 for depth)
I like the 6x12 format! :) I always find 4x5 has too much sky for landscapes for how I see the world
Xtol 1:3, 23 degrees, 16min, Epson v800 scan - 4x5 blog soon
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