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User / Matt Osborne (MrLeica.Com) / Sets / Schneider APO-Symmar 120mm f5.6 lens
Matt Osborne / 18 items

N 89 B 53.9K C 1 E May 25, 2018 F May 25, 2018
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I am more behind than normal with film developing and scanning as I am doing a lot of training again ahead of various triathlon events. It's not a chore, I really love the cycling (my joint #1 obsession that comes out with the sunshine!) but it means I don't always get chance to edit / post etc.

This photo was me testing a new lens I bought for my 4x5 Intrepid camera. The well regarded Schneider APO-Symmar 120mm f/5.6. A tiny lens considering the size of the film format! (see a photo I shared on my Instagram a few weeks+ ago)(similar size to a Leica lens)

4x5 Intrepid Camera (wooden view camera) + Schneider APO-Symmar 120mm f5.6 lens + Cambo 6x9 roll film back + 120 Fomapan 100 film

(@f5.6 1/4 sec)

I will post a full review on this camera and lens when I get chance + more test examples



Tags:   intrepid camera intrepid camera 4x5 large format camera foma fomapan fomapan 100 foma 100 mrleica.com

N 49 B 27.0K C 5 E Jun 11, 2018 F Jun 11, 2018
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Another photo of me testing a new lens I bought for my 4x5 Intrepid camera. The well regarded Schneider APO-Symmar 120mm f/5.6. A tiny lens considering the size of the film format! (see a photo I shared on my Instagram)(similar size to a Leica lens)

I have a cherry tree in the garden so had the 4x5 camera on top of a fully extended tripod and me on a step! The wind made it quite tough for a slow shutter so I tried to keep it at 1/60 or 1/125, f5.6 I think,

4x5 Intrepid Camera (wooden view camera) + Schneider APO-Symmar 120mm f5.6 lens + Cambo 6x9 roll film back + 120 Fomapan 100 film

I will post a full review on this camera and lens when I get chance + more test examples



Tags:   intrepid camera intrepid camera 4x5 large format camera foma fomapan fomapan 100 foma 100 mrleica.com

N 51 B 28.1K C 0 E Jul 24, 2018 F Jul 24, 2018
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Still developing and scanning my backlog of B&W film before I move onto colour film processing

This photo was me testing a new lens I bought for my 4x5 Intrepid camera a few months ago now. The well regarded Schneider APO-Symmar 120mm f/5.6. A tiny lens considering the size of the film format!

Photo is of a bike I built which I enjoy riding to keep fit. Single speed + freewheel so I fitted brakes (not a fixie)

4x5 Intrepid Camera (wooden view camera) + Schneider APO-Symmar 120mm f5.6 lens + Horseman 6x7 roll film back + 120 Fomapan 100 film

I had overlap issue with the film back (probably my inexperience using it) so it chopped off the top of the image but I still like it just for the resolution captured if nothing else

Developing - 750:250 Xtol + 5ml Rodinal, 15min at 26 degrees, Epson v800 scan.



Tags:   intrepid camera intrepid camera 4x5 large format camera bike bikes bicycle nice bike bicycle photo foma fomapan fomapan 100 foma 100 mrleica.com

N 59 B 30.1K C 2 E Aug 13, 2018 F Aug 13, 2018
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I was hoping to use my Intrepid 4x5 camera at the weekend then I had model cancellations so didn't get chance.

This is an old photo of me testing a new lens I bought for my 4x5 Intrepid. A Schneider APO-Symmar 120mm f/5.6. A tiny lens considering the size of the film format!

Photo is of a bike I built which I enjoy riding to keep fit. Single speed + freewheel so I fitted brakes (not a fixie)

4x5 Intrepid Camera (wooden view camera) + Schneider APO-Symmar 120mm f5.6 lens + Horseman 6x7 roll film back + 120 Fomapan 100 film

Developing - 750:250 Xtol + 5ml Rodinal, 15min at 26 degrees, Epson v800 scan.


www.MrLeica.com - Intrepid blog on my list to do!

Tags:   intrepid camera intrepid camera 4x5 large format camera bike bikes bicycle nice bike bicycle photo foma fomapan fomapan 100 foma 100 mrleica.com

N 86 B 32.7K C 2 E Nov 23, 2018 F Nov 23, 2018
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Another photo of me testing the new lens I bought for my 4x5 Intrepid camera earlier this year. The well regarded Schneider APO-Symmar 120mm f/5.6. A tiny lens considering the size of the film format!

I'm dying to use this camera again (and have been for ages to the extent i'm digging out these old test photos to share

I love how 4x5 cameras can be shallow focus even with a f5.6 lens. Focused top right on the bike tyre (a free tyre I picked up at an aid station during Ironman Vichy, France in 2017 after a blow out)(it saved me and let me finish, thanks aid station).

4x5 Intrepid Camera (wooden view camera) + Schneider APO-Symmar 120mm f5.6 lens + Cambo 6x9 roll film back + 120 Fomapan 100 film

Review still to share but I want to shoot more with it first


New tab on BLOG! - mrleica.com/more/

Tags:   intrepid camera intrepid camera 4x5 large format camera bike bikes bicycle nice bike bicycle photo foma fomapan fomapan 100 foma 100 mrleica.com
