Here's my Canon Micro Compact. These were sold from 1984 and I found this in a thrift store in the UK for around $2. Came with a detachable side flash unit and a manual too.
It's small and easy to carry around but makes a fair amount of noise when the shutter fires and then autowinds the film to the next frame. Also the focus distance indicator shows you the focus after the shot was taken. Can't really see what the point is of that.
Sharp 35mm f/2.8 lens and took some crisp shots even in the NYC rain, see the set!
Tags: Canon MC camera canon MC compact camera 35mm film
Goathland station booking office, north yorkshire. UK.
Wandered in to a thrift store in Whitby UK and found myself a Canon MC
As previously mentioned, this station was used as a film location for a Harry Potter movie. Managed 5 shots before accidentally hitting the rewind button!
Tags: Canon MC goathland station north yorkshire yorkshire england UK united kingdom booking office fuji superia X-tra 400 35mm film camera NYMR
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goathland station, north yorkshire.
Taken with my Canon MC and some fuji superia X-Tra 400 film.
Tags: Canon MC sign goathland fuji superia X-Tra 400 35mm film camera north yorkshire england UK united kingdom north yorkshire moors railway railroad railway station NYMR
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North Yorkshire Moors Railway
Taken with my Canon MC and some fuji superia X-Tra 400 film.
Tags: Canon MC north yorkshire UK England United Kingdom 2006 NYMR North Yorkshire Moors Railway fuji superia X-Tra 400 sign warehouse tea room goathland station vintage railroad
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