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User / blauepics / Sets / Egypt, 2012, Cairo & Vicinity
Gunter Hartnagel / 72 items

N 3 B 2.1K C 7 E Jan 4, 2012 F Jan 7, 2012
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This building is close to famous Tahrir Square. Protestors had set fire to the NDP (Mubaraks party) headquarters building.

Tags:   Egypt Ägypten Mittlerer Osten Middle East Arab Republic Arabische Republik Travel Reisen Cairo Kairo city Stadt capital Hauptstadt Revolution protests architecture Architektur Häuser houses buildings Gebäude National Democratic Party NDP fire Feuer ausgebrannt burnt-out Mubarak Partei headquarter Zentrale Tahrir Square Platz riots Aufstand

N 0 B 1.1K C 2 E Jan 4, 2012 F Jan 7, 2012
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The famous square on Thursday, 4th of January.
When I had arrived two weeks ago, the square was blocked by army/police. This thursday things were relaxed and quiet...the usual beggars and tourist cheaters just waiting to make money.

However, on Friday morning a lot of Police had arrived for just in case as protests are usually massive after Friday prayers.

Tags:   Egypt Ägypten Mittlerer Osten Middle East Arab Republic Arabische Republik Travel Reisen Cairo Kairo city Stadt capital Hauptstadt Mubarak Revolution protests Tahrir Square Platz architecture Architektur Häuser houses buildings Gebäude Demonstrationen demonstrations

N 0 B 1.1K C 6 E Jan 4, 2012 F Jan 7, 2012
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Thursday, 4th of Jan., the atmosphere was rather relaxed. Over the square are several tents decorated with the national flag. Protestors still remain here to indicate that there are more changes needed in their opinion. However, there was no violence whatsoever, it appeared more like Occupy-Wall-Street.

Tags:   Egypt Ägypten Mittlerer Osten Middle East Arab Republic Arabische Republik Travel Reisen Cairo Kairo city Stadt capital Hauptstadt Mubarak Revolution protests Tahrir Square Platz architecture Architektur Häuser houses buildings Gebäude Demonstrationen demonstrations camp campieren Lager occupy besetzen Nationalflagge flag Flagge

N 3 B 1.2K C 6 E Jan 4, 2012 F Jan 7, 2012
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Thursday, 4th of Jan., the atmosphere was rather relaxed. Over the square are several tents. Here one tent with one of the victims of the riots. Protestors still remain here to indicate that there are more changes needed in their opinion. However, there was no violence whatsoever, it appeared more like Occupy-Wall-Street.

Tags:   Egypt Ägypten Mittlerer Osten Middle East Arab Republic Arabische Republik Travel Reisen Cairo Kairo city Stadt capital Hauptstadt Mubarak Revolution protests Tahrir Square Platz architecture Architektur Häuser houses buildings Gebäude Demonstrationen demonstrations camp campieren Lager occupy besetzen Opfer victim riot Aufstand

N 2 B 1.2K C 21 E Jan 4, 2012 F Jan 7, 2012
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Many locals came to the square to exchange their opinions. Good to see this democratic process.

Tags:   Egypt Ägypten Mittlerer Osten Middle East Arab Republic Arabische Republik Travel Reisen Cairo Kairo city Stadt capital Hauptstadt Mubarak Revolution protests Tahrir Square Platz architecture Architektur Häuser houses buildings Gebäude Demonstrationen demonstrations dialogue dialog talks miteinander sprechen democratic process demokratischer Prozess
