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User / Patrick Giardina / Favorites
Patrick Giardina / 922 items

N 364 B 8.3K C 27 E May 18, 2023 F May 18, 2023
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A snowy afternoon standing underneath the gorgeous pyramid shaped peak of Sinopah Mountain in the northern Rocky Mountains. Other than a metric fk-ton of dodging and light contouring throughout the frame, the processing of this image was fairly simple… except I suck at monochromatic imagery (and color imagery if I’m honest) so it took me a while to figure out the overall tone and palette for this one.

Anyway, thanks for scrolling far enough to see my dumb little picture. If you are interested in learning how I create my dumb little pictures, reading my dumb stories or seeing more dumb photography, you can head to www.ryandyar.com or check out the link in my profile. Email subscribers get free video tutorials monthly. ❤️

Tags:   photography nature landscape Ryan dyar two medicine northern lake autumn fall winter snow Rocky Mountains rockies peak Sinopah mountain mountains Montana national park glacier

N 1.1K B 28.9K C 56 E Nov 7, 2022 F Nov 7, 2022
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Phendrana Drifts (2022) — For my birthday today, I'm giving myself the miracle of photobirth - by releasing the Death Valley collection I've had gestating for 9 months: www.alexnoriega.com/2022

I know people got burned out on dunes this year since every photographer seemed to descend on the park around March, but my passion for this unique and dynamic landscape has only grown in the 11 years since I first visited. Therefore, I present these dune photographs from January and February with no shame. Okay, maybe a little shame. But that shame might actually be about the Funfetti cake I'm about to eat the entirety of for breakfast. It's my BIRTHDAY, so I can do whatever the HELL I want!

N 1.5K B 82.0K C 105 E Nov 30, 2022 F Nov 30, 2022
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Tags:   France Seine-Maritime Normandie Normandy Etretat Jambourg Manneporte Aval porte d'aval Falaise d'Aval Aiguille Needle falaises sunrise lever de soleil morning matin Beach beachscape Plage Nikkor 16-35 F4 Nikon D810 Manfrotto NiSi V7 NiSi CPL True Color Tony N Tony Nunkovics sky ciel nuages Clouds
