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User / trs125 / Take what you need...
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For Macro Monday's Redux theme ... I think this could fit into "Anything Goes" or "Guilty Pleasures" (for me, that being "things that are handmade" ...which is something I love... especially when someone takes the time to make something for someone as a gift... the best gift you can give or receive, in my opinion anyway!) And I wanted to share these... my Christmas gift from my sister, presented in a very cool little pottery bowl that she bought, that fits perfectly in your hand. She filled the bowl with these little discs that she made from an old copper plate that she found at a thrift shop. She stamped each disc with a a word... the idea being, that each day, you get up and choose what you think that you might need to get you through the day .... and then you put that disc in your pocket and carry it with you. How cool is that? Oh...and there is a blank disc... that's the "wild card" disc and it can be whatever you want it to be! Today, I think I would be carrying "gratitude". Tomorrow.... I will need "Motivation" (although my co-workers probably wish I would be carrying "FOCUS"!! I may carry "hope" EVERY DAY!

Super creative... super cool gift.... right?!!
(Happy Macro Monday!!)
  • Views: 4656
  • Comments: 28
  • Favorites: 78
  • Taken: Dec 26, 2016
  • Uploaded: Dec 26, 2016
  • Updated: Jan 20, 2017