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User / robertknight16 / 34 Audi (Auto Union) (Ugly Duckling) Prototype 1933
Robert Knight / 45,623 items
Audi (Auto Union) (Ugly Duckling) Prototype (1933)
Production 1
Registration Number LU 3956


Auddi's first car was built in 1910, they merged with three other companies (DKW, Horch and Wanderer) in 1932 and became Auto Union. The four rings on the badge represent the four founder companies, this car was built by Auto Union that later went on to become Audi, so technically it’s not an Audi, But was used as an Audi in the Ugly Duckling advartisement announcing the new Audi A5.
di's first car was built in 1910, they merged with three other companies (DKW, Horch and Wanderer) in 1932 and became Auto Union. The four rings on the badge represent the four founder companies, this car was built by Auto Union that later went on to become Audi, so technically it’s not an Audi, Designed as prototype by engineer Paul Jaray as an aerodynamic exercise, the car was way ahead of its time, but its unconventional styling, deemed it unsuitable (to ugly) for production and that it simply would not sell. Emphasised by its high stature and narrow wheels, sharply sloping lines and shark fin spoiler reminiscent of the much larger Tatra.designed under Hans Ledwinka, It’s a shame that no originals have survived,but this reconstruction shows a vehicle that was ahead of its time.

The Swan or Ugly Duckling
advertisement was aired in 2012 for the lauch of the streamlinned Audi A5. The advert has the sound track of the 1952 Danny Kaye hit, The Ugly Duckling, and features the Paul Jaray car in black and white as the misunderstood vehicle driving through a small Bavarian village, were local residents mock and scowl at it. The sad Audi finally retires to a nearby forest, where (film switches to colour) it is transformed into a white, streamlined 2012 Audi A5 version of itself, whose exterior hints at the lines of the original concept car but is a lot less visually jarring.

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Shot taken 05:08:2012 at The Shugborough Classic Car Meeting. Ref: 93a-34
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  • Taken: Aug 5, 2012
  • Uploaded: Mar 9, 2015
  • Updated: Feb 23, 2024