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User / robertknight16 / Sets / Auto Union
Robert Knight / 22 items

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Auto Union (DKW) 1000S (1958-63) Engine 981cc S3 Two Stroke Production 171008
Registration Number 599 XUY
Built as a front wheel drive, compact four door Saloon and two door Coupe.
Powered by a 981cc two stroke, three cylinder engine of 44bhp or 55 bhp in the sporty S form.
A three-door estate version was also offered, branded as the ‘Universal’, between 1959 and 1962. For the new decade, the saloon was renamed Auto Union 1000S and received, in August 1959, an eye catching wrap around windscreen.
A 1000S Coupé was tested by the British The Motor magazine in 1960 and had a top speed of 80.9 mph and could accelerate from 0-60 mph in 23.6 seconds. A fuel consumption of 31.5 miles per imperial gallon. The test car cost £1259 including taxes on the UK market while at the same time the much larger Austin Westminster retailed for only £1148 in the UK, reflecting, in particular, the extent to which British automakers were still protected by import tariffs in their home market.

Shot at Tatton Park, Manchester, Classic Car Show 18:08:2012 REF 88-52.


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Auto Union C Type (1936) Engine 6005cc V16 Twin Supercharged
Entrant: Audi Tradition
Driver: Hans Joachim Stuck

1 of 2 the story of why this fantastic car was at Shelsey continues on the next pic.

The Auto Union C Type was designed by Ferdinand Porsche and built at Zwickau. The Type C was the third generation of Auto Union designed to compete head on against Mercedes Benz, in the immeadiate pre-war era, which were dominated by the two companies Silver Arrow racing cars.
Ferdinand Porsche designed the Type-C and championed his mid-engine design first used on the 1923 Benz Tropfenwagen. Weight distribution was his primary motivation in this choice. The driver could sit lower with no drive shaft and the front-to-rear weight distribution was more even. Furthermore, the fuel tank was also located centrally for balance. Despite these efforts, 60% of the weight still remained on the rear wheels.
What made the car unbalanced was its heavy engine and comparably small chassis and body. The design team engineered the largest possible engine within the 750 kg weight limit. This resulted in the largest capacity engine to compete during 1936 and 1937.
The chosen displacement was was six litres that was supercharged to achieve 550 bhp. A roots supercharger was attached to increase boost pressures up to 10 psi.
The high power to weight ratio, uneven weight distribution and Porsche swing-axle suspension system made the Type C over steer. Drivers of the car had a hard time predicting slip velocity and the forward driving position made it worse. Only a couple drivers were able to take the Type-C to its full potential.
Most noteably Bernd Rosemayer and Hans Stuck Snr. who both scored many victories util the imposition of the new 3 litre Formula for 1939.

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Shot 17.07.2016 at Shelsey Walsh Classic Nostalgia Meeting, Worcestershire REF 121-406

Tags:   Auto-Union 1930's Germany German Auto=Union.Ctype Racecar Racingcar Motorsport Autosport Welsh Shelsey Shelsey-Walsh2016 Hans.Joachin.Stuck

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On 14 November 1899, August Horch established the company A. Horch & Co, but due to a dispute between him and the supervisory board, he was forced out. In 1909, he established a second company also calling it Horsch. is former partners sued him for trademark infringement, and the German Supreme Court upheld there claims. During a meeting with freinds it was suggest that his name, Horsch meant, hark or hear, in Latin Audi translated as to listen, and this could be an ideal new name for the company.

August Horch left the Audi company in 1920 for a high position at the ministry of transport, but he was still involved with Audi as a member of the board of trustees. In 1921 Audi became the first German manufacturer to build a left hand drive car, an idea that was adopted throught the country in the 1920's.

In August 1928, DKW, acquired the majority of shares in Audi. In 1932, Audi merged with Horch, DKW, and Wanderer, to form Auto Union. It was during this period that the company offered the Audi Front that became the first European car to combine a six-cylinder engine with front-wheel drive. The Auto Union racing cars of the late 1930's became the first cars to display the four inter locking rings as a badge, each ring representing one of the companies forming Auto Union.

Following WWII the entire assests of Auto Union were seized by the Soviet Union and the company effectively liquidated in 1948 when it was deleted from the commercial register.

A new West German headquartered Auto Union was launched in Ingolstadt, Bavaria with loans from the Bavarian state government and Marshall Plan aid. The reformed company was launched 3 September 1949 and continued DKW's tradition of producing front-wheel drive vehicles with two-stroke engines.

In 1958, Daimler-Benz took an 87% holding in the Auto Union company, and this was increased to a 100% holding in 1959. However, small two-stroke cars were not the focus of Daimler-Benz's interests, and while the early 1960s saw major investment in new Mercedes models and in a state of the art factory for Auto Union's, the company's ageing model range neither benefitted from the economic boom or featured in Mercedes long term plans. Ironically, by the time they sold the business it also included a large new factory and near production-ready modern four-stroke engine

In 1964, Volkswagen acquired a 50% holding in the business, which included the new factory in Ingolstadt and the trademark rights of the Auto Union. Eighteen months later, Volkswagen bought complete control of Ingolstadt, and by 1966 were using the spare capacity of the Ingolstadt plant to assemble an additional 60,000 Volkswagen Beetles per year. In September 1966 a DKW F102 was fitted with a four stroke engine and facelifted. Volkswagen dumped the DKW brand because of its association with two stroke technology selling the model simply as Audi. Later developments led to the Audi 60, 75. 80 and Super 90 selling until 1972. The replacement 100 model was due to be badge engineered as a Volkswagen but became a great sucess as an Audi, followed by the first generation Audi 80 in 1972,

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Shot taken 05:08:2012 at The Shugborough Classic Car Meeting. Ref: 93a-31

Tags:   Audi Auto.Union German 1930's Badge Automotive.Badge

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Auto Union C Type (1936) Engine 6005cc V16 Twin Supercharged
Entrant: Audi Tradition
Driver: Hans Joachim Stuck

2 of 2
The Auto Union C yTpe was a mighty beast bu tricky to handle and competed both on track in the Grand Prix races and in the then highly prestigious European Mountain Hillclimbs, primaryly held in the Alps Only a couple drivers were able to take the Type-C to its full potential namely Rosemayer and Hans Stuck (Snr.)

Its appearance at Shelsey was the highlight of the season and came about with the cooperation of Audi Tradition in Germany and Audi UK. To mark the 80th anniversary of the cars appearance at Shelsey. The mighty Audi C Type only made three appearances in the UK in period the first at Shelsy Walsh in June 1936 and the other two later appearances at Donington Park for the British Empire Trophy and the British Grand Prix.

Hans Stuck (Snr,) drove that day and his and the Auto Unions appearance came about thanks to a close freidship between Hans Stuck and the Midland Auto Club Secretary Leslie Wilson. Between them they arranged for the Twin Supercharged V16 500+ bhp Gran Prix car to be brought over in order to set a new course record, which at the time was held by Raymond Mays at 39.5 seconds. Hans Stuck was then the reigning European Mountain Champion and was well on the way to securing his nickname "Bergkönig" or "King of the Mountains". Also he had previously held the Shelsey Walsh record which he set in 1930 driving an Austro Daimler.

Practice took place on the Friday preceeding the meeting on a sunny afternoon in front of very few spectators, an went well and reputed Stuck set an unofficial time below Mays record. Is anyone sensing a BUT. The team retired well satisfied to the Swan Hotel in Tenbury. But as Saturday morning dawned the rain was falling the three times Mountain Champion tried as hard as he could but a combination of greasy surface and the car being probably much to powerful made the record unobtainable.

To make this very special all the more special, the car was driven by Hans Stuck (Snr,) son Hans Joachim Stuck a race legend in his own right and just to put the cherry on the cake he wore his Fathers original leather helmet

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Shot 17.07.2016 at Shelsey Walsh Classic Nostalgia Meeting, Worcestershire REF 121-407

Tags:   Auto-Union Germany German Auto=Union.Ctype Racecar Racingcar Motorsport Autosport Welsh Shelsey Shelsey-Walsh2016 Hans.Joachin.Stuck

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Audi (Auto Union) (Ugly Duckling) Prototype (1933)
Production 1
Registration Number LU 3956


Auddi's first car was built in 1910, they merged with three other companies (DKW, Horch and Wanderer) in 1932 and became Auto Union. The four rings on the badge represent the four founder companies, this car was built by Auto Union that later went on to become Audi, so technically it’s not an Audi, But was used as an Audi in the Ugly Duckling advartisement announcing the new Audi A5.
di's first car was built in 1910, they merged with three other companies (DKW, Horch and Wanderer) in 1932 and became Auto Union. The four rings on the badge represent the four founder companies, this car was built by Auto Union that later went on to become Audi, so technically it’s not an Audi, Designed as prototype by engineer Paul Jaray as an aerodynamic exercise, the car was way ahead of its time, but its unconventional styling, deemed it unsuitable (to ugly) for production and that it simply would not sell. Emphasised by its high stature and narrow wheels, sharply sloping lines and shark fin spoiler reminiscent of the much larger Tatra.designed under Hans Ledwinka, It’s a shame that no originals have survived,but this reconstruction shows a vehicle that was ahead of its time.

The Swan or Ugly Duckling
advertisement was aired in 2012 for the lauch of the streamlinned Audi A5. The advert has the sound track of the 1952 Danny Kaye hit, The Ugly Duckling, and features the Paul Jaray car in black and white as the misunderstood vehicle driving through a small Bavarian village, were local residents mock and scowl at it. The sad Audi finally retires to a nearby forest, where (film switches to colour) it is transformed into a white, streamlined 2012 Audi A5 version of itself, whose exterior hints at the lines of the original concept car but is a lot less visually jarring.

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Shot taken 05:08:2012 at The Shugborough Classic Car Meeting. Ref: 93a-33

Tags:   Audi Auto.Union Germany 1930's Jaray Proptotype Ugly.Duckling Advertisement A5 Shugborough LU3956
