La Ceja, Colombia; Central Andes; 2.300 meters above sea level.
Euphonia laniirostris
(Thick-billed Euphonia / Eufonia piquigruesa)
The Thick-billed Euphonia is found in Colombia, Bolivia, Brazil, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Panama, Peru, and Venezuela. Its natural habitats are subtropical or tropical dry forests, subtropical or tropical moist lowland forests, and heavily degraded former forest.
This euphonia measures 10 cm (3.9 in). The female, like many euphonias, is dull olive above and yellow below. The male has entirely yellow underparts from throat to vent save for a small terminal patch of white on the undertail. Upperparts are a dark blue-black except for the yellow crown patch which extends from the bill over the head to just past the eye.
Tags: Euphonia Euphonia laniirostris Eufonia gorgiamarilla Thick-billed euphonia Eufonia piquigruesa urruñatá piquigordo fruterito de pico grueso Fringillidae birds of Colombia Aves de Colombia La Ceja Colombia Priscilla Burcher Sigma 150-600mm _DSC3882
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La Ceja, Colombia; 2.300 meters above sea level.
Diglossa sittoides -female-
(Rusty Flowerpiercer / Picaflor canela)
Nothing wrong with its bill. The hooked, upturned bill is used to puncture the bases of flowers for the purpose of feeding on nectar.
The Rusty Flowerpiercer is a small tanager of South American mountains. The species is found in forest, edge habitat, and gardens between 1500 and 3000 meters from the coastal mountains of Venezuela south along the Andes to northern Argentina. Total length, both sexes: 11 cm.
Neotropical Birds Online: <a href=""
Tags: birds of Colombia Diglossa sittoides Rusty Flowerpiercer Pinchaflor pechicanelo Picaflor canela Thraupidae tanager tangara Fuchsia magellanica La Ceja Colombia Priscilla Burcher Sigma 150-600mm _DSC5620
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La Ceja, Colombia; 2.300 meters above sea level.
Haplophaedia aureliae
(Greenish puffleg / Calzadito verdoso norteño)
The greenish puffleg (Haplophaedia aureliae) is a species of hummingbird in the family Trochilidae. It is found in Colombia, Ecuador, and Panama. Its natural habitats are subtropical or tropical moist montane forest and heavily degraded former forest.
Tags: Kniphofia Kniphofia uvaria Haplophaedia aureliae Greenish puffleg Calzadito verdoso norteño Trochilidae Birds of the Colombian Andes Birds of Colombia Aves de Colombia hummingbirds from Colombia Colibríes de Colombia La Ceja Colombia Priscilla Burcher Sigma 150-600mm _DSC8072
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San Bernardo del Viento, Colombian Caribbean.
Coleus is popular as a garden plant for its brightly colored foliage.
The genus Coleus was first described by João de Loureiro in 1790.
Tags: Coleus decurrens Gürke Coleus decurrens Coleus Lamiaceae leaf leaves variegated leaf San Bernardo del Viento Colombian Caribbean Colombia P1070338
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Santa Cruz de Lorica, Córdoba, Colombia.
Por Lorica pasa el río Sinú frente al Mercado Público, al que llegan los artesanos para exhibir la pintura, el sombrero y la abarca, algunas de las artesanías que se ofrecen a los visitantes.
En el Mercado es posible ver puestos con productos de toda la región, artesanos y comerciantes los decoran con utensilios de barro, enea, caña flecha, hilo y cuero. La feria es variada, así como los aromas del sancocho de pescado, uno de los platos más tradicionales.
The Sinú River runs through Lorica in front of the Public Market, where artisans come to exhibit paintings, hats and sandals, some of the crafts offered to visitors.
At the Market you can see stalls with products from all over the region, artisans and merchants decorate them with clay utensils, bulrush, cane, thread and leather. The fair is varied, as are the aromas of fish stew, one of the most traditional dishes.
Tags: sombrero sombrero vueltiao Mercado Público artesanía Santa Cruz de Lorica Lorica Córdoba Colombia P1070428
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