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User / Misterzumbi / The_A_TEAM-GMC (5)
Adam Yes. Have one. / 46,087 items
It’s about four years now that I built something for myself. The A-Team GMC was on my list forever now, and since the Dimensions Set with B.A. Barracus came out, even more. At first I simply wanted to copy the van that LICHTBLAU built in 2012, but I quickly began to tinker with it. Without changing stuff that I considered very good like the visor, rear spoiler, the rear doors and so on, I still managed to rebuild most of it. The front end is 100% redone, I was never a fan of the cheeseslopes for the hood, but back then this was the only option I guess, I added the front spoiler, added the antennas, changed the rear bumper, changed most of the interior changed where the rear numberplate is, added a gas tank and and the exhaust. The van out of LEGO is a boring box, so I added the fuelcap door, some marking lights and a rail for the swinging door on the right side. I also changed the wheels, for me it’s more important that the wheels have a deep dish, than that they feature spokes. Looking at pics and watching the series I felt the truck needed a rake so I gave it a rake. Also, everyone that built the van before me apparently uses the Hot Wheels model as reference, and thererfore the lower headlights are always trans yellow, even though on the real van they are all transparent (the lower ones have yellow light bulbs in them once in a while). I’m not set on two things, the seats which are light gray in the real car, but lighter than the LEGO light gray, so I went for white too, and the length, the real GMC came in three sizes, and the Vandura form the A-Team was the middle version, you could easily take out one stud out of the middle, but then that thing looks stubby. So yea… I don’t know.

Yes. I cheated, the van needed lights on the top, so I cut the “stem” off the diamond element. Sue me.
  • Views: 6136
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  • Favorites: 25
  • Taken: Jan 26, 2018
  • Uploaded: Jan 26, 2018
  • Updated: Feb 1, 2019