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User / D. Brigham / Sets
23 items

ANSCO Shur-Flash
2 photos
Shots taken with a camera I bought for $2 at a rummage sale.

Newton, Mass.
203 photos

East Hartford Drive-In
12 photos
I saw some classic teensploitation movies here back in the early '80s.

HONK! Fest
64 photos
Held every year in Somerville and Cambridge (MA), the HONK! Festival of Activist Street Bands is a blast.

Chelsea, Mass.
30 photos

59 photos
I'm not at all religious, but I have a bit of a thing for houses of worship.

Martini Junction
38 photos
Located on town-owned conservation land in Needham, Mass., Martini Junction is a magical place.

New York City
53 photos

Disney World
7 photos

45 photos

Norumbega Point Tower
10 photos
Located in Weston, MA, along the Charles River, this tower was built in the late 1800's by Eben Horsford, a Harvard professor who believed Vikings had landed near this spot around 1000 A.D.

Norumbega Park
18 photos
Located along the Charles River in Newton, MA, Norumbega Park was once the site of a popular trolley park.

Cutler Park
61 photos

Old aqueducts
14 photos
Both the Sudbury and the Cochituate aqueducts were abandoned years ago, but remnants still remain in Newton, MA, and other towns.

Simsbury ruins
13 photos
Where once a farm house stood, now is a forgotten pile of somebody's life.

12 photos

Heidi's Backside Pix
51 photos

Michael Cevoli Backside shots
24 photos
Backside of America contributor Michael Cevoli's shots.

100 photos

Newton Mass. Murals
22 photos

17 photos

Chestnut Hill Teardown
4 photos
I drove past this house last spring and knew right away that it was about to be torn down. So I took a few pictures. I check in every now and again to monitor the progress.

MBTA Trips
171 photos
My son loves the MBTA, so we go on a lot of trips. I enjoy the trips, too, and love documenting them.