Elle (ou plutôt il) a sauté quand j'ai appuyé !
Tags: Araignée Araneae Saitis barbipes Salticidae
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vdB 150 LDN 1235 (Also known as Dark Shark) is a reflection nebula visible in the constellation of Cepheus. It is located about one third of the angular separation between the stars Alfirk (β Cephei) and Alrai (γ Cephei), in a region rich in dark molecular clouds; in particular, vdB 150 represents an illuminated section of the large dark nebula LDN 1235, to which the nearby nebula vdB 149 apparently also belongs. The star responsible for the illumination of the region is HD 210806, a subgiant star of spectral class B8IV, which gives the illuminated gases a markedly bluish color; its parallax is 3.24 ± 0.63 mas , [4]which corresponds to a distance of about 308 parsecs (1006 light years ). The cloud is made up of cold dust, clearly visible in the infrared observations detected by the IRAS. The nebula that includes this and the nearby vdB 150, LDN 1235 is probably a so-called red emission nebula , that is a cloud located at high galactic latitudes that becomes visible thanks to the interstellar radiation field, with a low surface brightness and therefore from the appearance dark when viewed in the visible light band.
Target Coordinates- RA 22 h 09 m 40 s, DEC- + 73 ° 23 ′ 27 ″
Discoverer- Annie Jump Cannon
Edward Pickering.
Date 1918.
Captured from the Negev desert Israel on Sep 4 & Sep 7, 2021.
Two nights sessions.
Conditions- Bortle 3, Moonless nights, clear skies, worm weather, relatively stable skies, wind on first session and come on second session, excellent guiding on most of the nights.
Imaging Tech Details:
Lum- 44x120sec-bin1 @ -10deg C` on sensor- 1h,28m
Lum- 88x180sec-bin1 @ -10deg C` on sensor- 4h,24m
R- 24x300sec-bin1 @ -10deg C`- 2h
G- 24x300sec-bin1 @ -10deg C`- 2h
B- 24x300sec-bin1 @ -10deg C`- 2h
Total integration time for subs- 11h,52m
Bias-100, Flat-30 (no dark) were combined for each filter.
Slightly cropped- 2658 x 2112 res/pxl
Equipment tech details:
Scope- Tak FSQ85EDX.
Mount- iOptron IEQ45 Pro.
Camera- Starlight Xpress Trius SX694 mono & SX Filter Wheel.
Filters- Astrodon 36mm unmounted E series Gen2 LRGB.
Guider- SX Lodestar x2 & SX OAG.
Power & data control: Pegasus UPBv2.
Focus control: Pegasus stepper motor v2 kit.
Software tech details:
Camera & mount control- Voyager.
Guiding- PHD2.
Sky chart- Voyager web Dashboard, Frame and Mosaic tool.
Mount main control- iOptron via Ascom.
Registration, Calibration & stacking images- PixInsight
Processing- PixInsight, PS CS6.
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Tags: gorgonia
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Difficile de se rendre compte de la richesse biologique de chaque recoin de forêt á chaque altitude, de 1500 á 4100 m anm, dans ces paisages oníriques par excellence des Farallones de Cali. Photo prise durant un tour de 11 jours que je viens de guider. Cali, département du Valle del Cauca, Colombie.
Difícil de darse cuenta de la riqueza biológica de cada rincón de bosque a cada altura desde los 1500 hasta los 4100 m snm en estos ´paisajes oníricos por excelencia de los Farallones de Cali. Foto tomada durante un tour de 11 días que acabo de guiar. Cali, departamento del Valle del Cauca, Colombia.
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Guzmania musaica (famille Bromeliaceae). Si on parle de plantes ornamentales exotiques tropicales, peu d'entre elles sont si incroyables pour moi, et voir dans leur habitat naturel des espèces emblématiques comme celle-lá, que j'ai cultivé il y a bien longtemps en Belgique, constitue toujours une grande émotion. Je l'avais déjá vue sans fleur par le passé mais maintenant c'est fait et j'ái été très heureux de pouvoir la montrer aux touristes durant un tour de 11 jours que je viens de guider. dans les départements du Valle del Cauca et du Cauca, Colombie.
Guzmania musaica (Bromeliaceae family). If we speak about tropical exotic ornamental plants, few are so astounding to me, and seeing in the wild emblematic species such as this one, that I once grew a long time ago in Belgium, is always a thrill. I had seen it without flowers in the past but now it is done and I was very happy to be able to show it to tourists during an 11 days tour I just guided in Valle del Cauca and Cauca departments, Colombia.
Guzmania musaica (familia Bromeliaceae). Si hablamos de plantas ornamentales exóticas tropicales, pocas son tan asombrosas para mi, y ver en sus hábitats naturales a especies emblemáticas como esta, que alguna vez cultive hace mucho tiempo en Bélgica, siempre es una gran emoción. La había visto sin flor en el pasado pero ahora está hecho y estuve muy feliz poder mostrarla a los turistas durante un tour de 11 días que acabo de guiar en los departamentos del Valle del Cauca y del Cauca, Colombia.
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