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User / Thai pix Wildlife photography,, / Muang Sing Historical Park, Kanchanaburi Province
Michel van. der. Linde / 14,411 items
Muang Sing Historical Park is in the Sai Yok district, Kanchanaburi province, west of Bangkok in Thailand. Here can now be seen the remains of two Khmer temples dated to the 13th and 14th centuries. Muang Sing Historical Park was declared a historical park in 1987.
The Khmer ruins at Muang Sing Historical Park are built in the Bayon style. The Temple complex was the far western outpost for the Khmer kingdom in the reign of King Jayavarman VII ( 1180 to 1219 ). In a stone inscription of Prince Vira Kumara praising his father, 23 cities are named. One of these cities was named Srichaiya Singhapura, which some scholars identify with Mueang Sing. The name Muang Sing first showed in the Tai chronicles of the reign of King Rama I ( 1782-1809 ), when it was a fortified town protecting the town Kanchanaburi.
Today one can inspect the laterite wall which sourrounded a 736,000 square metre enclosure. Inside are four ancient Khmer monuments. The southern wall winds along the Khwae Noi river course, while the other three sides are quadratic. The main monument is in the center of the area, northwest of this is are the foundations of a second temple building. The other two monuments are of much smaller scale.
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  • Taken: Jun 29, 2012
  • Uploaded: Jun 29, 2012
  • Updated: Jun 29, 2012