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User / Thai pix Wildlife photography,, / Sets / Hunters in flight Birds of Thailand
Michel van. der. Linde / 125 items

N 0 B 1.3K C 0 E Aug 11, 2010 F Aug 11, 2010
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Tags:   birds hunting hunting-birds animals Wildlife flying Canon-50D colors Thai-Pix Thailand

N 4 B 3.5K C 12 E Jan 26, 2011 F Jan 26, 2011
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The Black Eagle is a large raptor at about 70–80 cm in length. Adults have all-black plumage, with a yellow bill base (cere) and feet. The wings are long and pinched in at the innermost primaries giving a distinctive shape. The tail shows faint barring and upper tail covers paler. When perched the wing tips reach till or exceed the tail tip. The wings are held in a shallow V in flight. Seen on hot afternoons, scouring the treetops for a nest to maraud, this bird is easily spotted by its jet black colour, large size, and a 'characteristic' slow flight, sometimes just above the canopy.[8]

Sexes are similar, but young birds have a buff head, underparts and underwing coverts. The wing shape helps to distinguish this species from the dark form of Changeable Hawk Eagle, (Spizaetus cirrhatus). The tarsi are fully feathered and the toes are relatively stout and short with long claws that are less strongly curved than in other birds of prey.[9]

Tags:   ictinaetus-malayensis ictinaetus Totally-Thailand Earth-Asia wildlife Ictinaetus malaiensis

N 2 B 848 C 11 E Sep 6, 2010 F Sep 5, 2010
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Tags:   Nature birds hunting hunting-birds Wildlife Rice-field colours Canon-50D Thai-Pix Thailand animals Asia farmers-field

N 1 B 467 C 9 E Sep 6, 2010 F Sep 5, 2010
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Tags:   birds hunting-birds hunting animals Asia flying Thai-Pix Thailand colours Canon-50D Wildlife Nature Nong-Bua Elanus axillaris

N 4 B 764 C 16 E Feb 4, 2011 F Feb 3, 2011
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Canon 50D

Tags:   ictinaetus-malayensis ictinaetus Totally-Thailand Earth-Asia wildlife
