Taken 13/04/13: Built in 1936 and originally named Barbury Castle, No. 5043 was renamed Earl of Mount Edgcumbe in 1937. The loco's first shed allocation was Old Oak Common; followed by Carmarthen, Old Oak Common.again, Cardiff Canton TMD and finally Cardiff East Dock. During the loco's second spell at old Oak Common it had a double chimney and a 4 row superheater fitted.
No. 5043 was withdrawn in December 1963 and acquired by Woodham Brothers' scrapyard in Barry, South Wales.from where it was sold to the then Birmingham Railway Museum in 1973, becoming the 43rd loco to be saved from Barry.
In 1996 the Birmingham Railway Museum trustees announced a project to restore No. 5043 to main line running condition in late 1950s condition with a Hawksworth style tender and a BR double chimney. In 2008 the restoration was completed, and in October of that year No. 5043 moved under its own steam for the first time since withdrawal. This picture was taken at Salisbury in 2013, five year's into the loco's main line certificate
Tags: Salisbury Castle Class 4-6-0 No. 5043 Earl of Mount Edgcumbe
Taken 13/04/13:
Tags: Salisbury Castle Class 4-6-0 No. 5043 Earl of Mount Edgcumbe
Taken 13/04/13: A grim day for photography, but hopefully this one works in black and white.
Tags: Salisbury Castle Class 4-6-0 No. 5043 Earl of Mount Edgcumbe
Taken 13/06/13: The train was due to reverse at Southampton UGL, allowing the 'Black Five' to be the train engine onwards from Southampton.
Tags: Swanage Belle Swanage Belle 13 June 2013 Black Five 44932
Taken 04/07/13:
Tags: 34067 Tangmere The Devonian The Devonian 4 July 2013