2015 has been an interesting year for me, and I had a lot of fun doing shoots. It was great to look back at my photos and remember the fun I had. I really enjoyed my shoot with Alana, and we got a lot of great photos to show for it. Of course I have to thank my friend,
Gina from
www.transitionsmakeupandphoto.com/ , for letting me shoot at her place and borrow several of her dresses, and for the occasional makeover. She really is amazing.
Anyway, I though it would be fun to make a slideshow video using a lot of the pictures from my shoots this past year. It also gives me a chance to show off a few more shots that I hadn't posted here.
I modeled so many different dresses this year, and there are some girls that I need to thank for helping me build up my wardrobe. So to
Shannon Jones,
Deedee Fullskirt, and
Jenny, thank you so much for your help in making me the woman I am.