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User / Helen Orozco / Sets / Catron County
Helen Orozco / 7 items

N 16 B 2.6K C 11 E Mar 22, 2015 F Mar 23, 2015
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I thought we had stumbled across a very different church in Pie Town, but It is not quite as it appears. This shed has been there for numerous years and the owner had originally intended it to be a gift shop for one of the churches in the town. It was never opened as a gift store for the church and was only used for storage for the house which once stood beside it. The original house has long gone The current owner, Uncle River, also uses the shed for storage. Uncle River, now that's another story.....

Pie Town, Catron County, NM

Tags:   My Father's House Cowboys For Christ Town Catron County New Mexico Pie Town shed gift shop unusual Canon Rebel SL1

N 13 B 2.1K C 7 E Mar 22, 2015 F Mar 24, 2015
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This is Stephen Kaufman better known under his nom de plume Uncle River, author. A writer of "speculative fiction" about characters in Mogollon*, a real ghost town, in Catron County, as well as many other fictional works and poetry. Originally a native of Boston, he's lived in Catron County since the eighties and in 1985 made Pie Town his home. He told me with a wry smile how lives in a county almost as large as Massachusetts, the state where he grew up, with a population about the same as the student body of the high school he attended. Catron County is the largest county by area in New Mexico with a population of around 3,700. Catron County is also larger than 4 other states in the US. We chatted about a lot of things, the shed, his peach tree, Pie Town, Datil and Magdalena as well as Cornwall (my home county in England) and Devon. Thank you Uncle River for your time and I look forward to catching up with you next time we pass through Pie Town. I look forward to reading The Mogollon News, Counting Tadpoles and your other works.
* say Moe-go-yone.

This picture is 30 in my 100 strangers project. Find out more about the project and see pictures taken by other photographers at the 100 Strangers Flickr Group page

Pie Town, Catron County, NM

Tags:   Uncle River Stephen Kaufman Pie Town Catron County Mogollon New Mexico author speculative fiction

N 5 B 1.1K C 4 E Mar 22, 2015 F Mar 25, 2015
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Long gone. I believe it closed due to ill health of one of the owners. I have it on good authority it was also a great place to stop for a beer and a game of pool.

Datil, was named by the original inhabitants for yucca seedpods which look like dates, as the word “datil” means “date” in Spanish. Datil had a population of 113 as of 2014.

Datil, Catron County, NM

Tags:   Canon Rebel SL1

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What else but pies :-)

Pie Town was named in the early 1920s when Clyde Norman baked pies and served them to families and travellers.. Clyde Norman had filed a mining claim here and opened a general store. The crossroads soon became popular and soon became known as Pie Town. In 1927, the townsfolk petitioned for a post office. Authorities said the town should have a more conventional name, but the Pie Towners said Pie Town or no town. Well stopping by if you're on Highway 60 to taste some delicious pies.

Pie Town, Catron County, NM

Tags:   Pie Town sign weathered wood New Mexico open pleasure Catron County For your pleasure pies Clyde Norman pioneer pie o neer Kathy Knapp Pie o neer cafe Canon Rebel SL1

N 31 B 2.3K C 17 E Apr 4, 2015 F Apr 6, 2015
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It's said Horse Springs got it's name from some soldiers who when on their way to Ft. Tularosa from Socorro lost a horse and on the way back found it here. There is a natural spring here about 1/2 a mile west of the settlement. A few houses and a church remain. The post office established in 1872 and survived til 1882 has long gone. As for signs of life, I saw none but the windmill was still turning.

Horse Springs. Catron County, NM

Tags:   Horse Springs Catron County New Mexico windmill Land of Enchantment Canon Rebel SL1 forgotten abandoned ghost town
