We <3 Role- Play (WLRP) opens tomorrow June 4th at 1:00pm SLT time and runs until the end of the month. More information see the WLRP blog: weloveroleplay.weebly.com/
SLURL to the event: maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Riverhunt/129/124/1503
lassitude & ennui - Steampunk Fairy Wings (12 colour options) 25% off during the event - At WLRP June Round maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Riverhunt/129/124/1503
.: Runic :. Galaxy Bubbles (8 colour options) - At WLRP June Round maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Riverhunt/129/124/1503
Nefekalum Tattoos - Perception - (3 colour options - WOAD shown) Bom and Omega Layers and Materials HUD At WLRP June Round maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Riverhunt/129/124/1503
[Aleutia] Tourmaline outfit (16 colour options, extra colours in FATPACK) with colour changing HUD Mesh body Maitreya, Legacy Perky. Legacy, Freya, At WLRP June Round maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Riverhunt/129/124/1503
(*<*) 1313 Mockingbird Lane - Le Fleur Sandals multiple colour options *10 colour options and multiple cord colour options) FATPACK available At WLRP June Round maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Riverhunt/129/124/1503
Hair: .EscalateD. Yayla with Colour and Style HUD *two options - streaks and duotone At WLRP June Round maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Riverhunt/129/124/1503
{anc) Bubble light WAS AT WLRP Birthday round
May We <3 Role- Play (WLRP) in store soon I hope!
Bad Unicorn - Personal Bubble at Mainstore maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Cravone/106/220/23
TWC - Diesel Ears (from the Engine Room)
Rainbow Sundae - Beautiful Creature EYES (these were at Fantasy Faire 2020) Inworld Store: maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Regius/220/34/1801
Cureless Skin - Serotonine beige maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Curemore/122/53/24
Catwa Head, Lara Body
Hot Dog - Awkward sits - slightly adapted
Tags: lassitude & ennui RUNIC 1313 Mockingbird Lane WLRP We <3 Role PLay [Aleutia]' Bad Unicorn EscalateD Nefekalum Tattoos
WLRP opened December 4th at 1:00pm SLT time and runs until the end of the month. More information see the WLRP blog: weloveroleplay.weebly.com
Shopping Guide: weloveroleplay.weebly.com/december-2021.html
SLURL to event: maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Riverhunt/129/124/1503
Nefekelam Tattoos - Rowan Seasons - shown Winter Crown, Winter eyes and Winter Rowan Tattoo, Unseelie set also available, Rowan Yule Christmas Edition is a 50L special at WLRP December round maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Riverhunt/129/124/1503
Nefekelam Tattoos - Topography Tattoo in various colours - shown Maitreya Materials only maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Nefekalum/182/114/3
Rahra (Poema) Mina Skin EVO X at WLRP December round maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Riverhunt/129/124/1503
Runic - Christmas Stars Sky and Pure maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/BREATHE/203/171/2004
Hair - NO.MATCH - No Champagne at UBER maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Uber/195/194/19/
Rawr - Snow Queen Choker
Rawr - Snow Queen Nails
Rawr - Snow Queen Elf Ears
Rawr - Snow Queen Rings
DeweyPlush - Mink Eyebrows
Lelutka Halle Head
Pose - Fashiowl - Fairy
Blog: pipsfreebiefantasy.blogspot.com/2021/12/rowan-wlrp.html
Tags: WLRP Nefekalum Tattoos Rahra RUNIC RAWR! Fashiowl NO.MATCH We <3 RP
Enchantment The Nutcracker Suite is now open
November 14th- Dec. 4th 2021
Enchantment HUNT November 2021
✧ WEBSITE: enchantmentsl.com/
✧ HUNT Information: enchantmentsl.com/the-nutcracker-november-2021-hunt/
✧ FACEBOOK: www.facebook.com/enchantmentsl/
✧ FLICKR: www.flickr.com/groups/enchantmentinsl/pool/
✧ WEBSITE (Includes Hunt): enchantmentsl.com/the-nutcracker-november-2021-shopping-g...
✧ SERAPHIM: www.seraphimsl.com/2021/11/13/your-christmas-wishes-will-...
SLURL to EVENT: maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Nymphai/69/113/3118
On the Mouse King:
Drunken Brokkr - Krakatuk Mask MOuse King Mask - separate colours available and fatpack with colour changing HUD (each colour includes 5 metals) unrigged - resizable. at Enchantment the Nutcracker maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Nymphai/69/113/3118
and he is a styling Mouse King indeed in Cureless+ :-)
CURELESS+ REDLABEL / Donatien Manteau / RED (v.1) (on SL Marketplace)
CURELESS+ REDLABEL / Eluard Ensemble / BLUE (v.1) (on SL Marketplace)
\//.VoluptasVirtualis [Mezarah] 1.2 (jake sizing included)
Raindale - Sparkejoy set (shown Sparkejoy Mice at Enchantment the Nutcracker maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Nymphai/69/113/3118
On Clara:
:: ANTAYA :: Gown "Marie" shown in Blue (six colours available) in Maitreya and Legacy sizes at Enchantment the Nutcracker maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Nymphai/69/113/3118
::Loa:: Clara Skin ~LeLutka EVO X Applier at Enchantment the Nutcracker maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Nymphai/69/113/3118
YOSHI - Clara Eyes - Pack
In Catwa Applier, Lelutka Applier, BOM applier, Mesh eyes and Omega at Enchantment the Nutcracker maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Nymphai/69/113/3118
BellePose - Clara set at Enchantment the Nutcracker maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Nymphai/69/113/3118
FAGA - Clara Hair - with Style HUD sold separately maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Mangula/86/133/23
CURELESS [+] Little Red Wolf / Mary Janes / WHITE (old gacha)
Dirty Rat: Nutcracker Scene - Linked version and components at Enchantment the Nutcracker, the Throne has various sit options maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Nymphai/69/113/3118
MOOH! MOoH! Stuff Christmas mice brown - 4 mice options t Enchantment the Nutcracker maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Nymphai/69/113/3118
Raindale - Sparkejoy set (shown Sparklejoy Mice at Enchantment the Nutcracker maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Nymphai/69/113/3118
Blog post: pipsfreebiefantasy.blogspot.com/2021/11/the-mouse-king-cl...
Tags: Dirty Rat Enchantment Enchantment in SL Raindale MOOH :: ANTAYA :: FAGA Yoshi DRUNKEN BROKKR +CURELESS+ LOA
(Recycle Plastic - don't Kill the Mermaids)
WLRP opens October 4th at 1:00pm SLT time and runs until the end of the month. More information see the WLRP blog: weloveroleplay.weebly.com/
Shopping Guide: weloveroleplay.weebly.com/october-2021.html
SLURL to the event (when open) : maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Riverhunt/129/124/1503
-Elemental- 'Tribal Abyss' BOM & Lelutka EVO X (eye makeup) at WLRP October Round maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Riverhunt/129/124/1503
*Rainbow Sundae* Elara Hairstick with colout changing HUD at WLRP October Round maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Riverhunt/129/124/1503
Misteria - Asmodeia F- Bases for Nemissa Tail (shown Dark) 7 colour options for Nemissa Tail by Cynfin, FATPACK available
Cynefin - Nemissa Base set Tail (slightly cheaper in Store than MP) with Tail pose and adjustment AO, and 16 colours maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Oblivion/19/88/1082
Cynefin - Gills
*NAMINOKE *Tentacles maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Goguryeo/229/88/1526
Nefekalum Tattoos - An Elder God in 4 colours (Abyss shown)
at Chronicles and Legends (Lovecraft theme) maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Nymphai/94/47/3382
UNHOLY - BEACH KEYCHAIN TRINKETS from SoKawaii Sunday Oct. 9 thhttp://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Glass%20Beach/194/133/21
.E l e i. - Melinda S. (Complete Skin) / Tone S-Pink from SoKawaii Sunday Oct. 9http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Nagano%20Valley/161/200/2698
[LCKY] 4. Rain // Dancing (old Gacha)
Beach Junk:
{LA} Trash SL Marketplace
-DRD- EL - Themepark - Junkpile (old gacha)
Evion Water Bottle Small SL Marketplace
Signs from SL Marketplace
Pose - Del May (slightly adjusted)
Tags: NAMINOKE Rainbow Sundae Elemental Misteria Nefekalum Tattoos cynefin DRD LKCY Elei UNHOLY WLRP Chronicles & Legends
WLRP opened September 4th at 1:00pm SLT time and runs until the end of the month. More information see the WLRP blog: weloveroleplay.weebly.com/
Shopping Guide: weloveroleplay.weebly.com/september-2021.html
SLURL to the event: maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Riverhunt/129/124/1503
GhostInk - Ines Complete Skin -- Lelutka Evo X, and LeL Evolution, Body: Maitreya, Slink, Legacy, Belleza at WLRP September Round at WLRP maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Riverhunt/129/124/1503
lassitude & ennui - Blossom Dress - in 8 colours at WLRP September Round at WLRP maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Riverhunt/129/124/1503
Naminoke - Flannel Flowers Headdress and Bouquet WLRP September Round at WLRP maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Riverhunt/129/124/1503
God Mod - Fly Solo Boots (Fatpack has 3 colours (pink, blue and lilac) in Maitreya, Venus, Slink WLRP September Round at WLRP maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Riverhunt/129/124/1503
Sunniva - Mushi Set - EVO X Lipstick, Eyeshow, Blush and Ear Blush in 6 colours WLRP September Round at WLRP maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Riverhunt/129/124/1503
lassitude & ennui - Steampunk Fairy Wings (12 colour options) maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Nouveau/81/105/36/
Moon Amore - sleeves :Moon Amore: Serenity Atelier / LIGHTS (Crystal Hearts Event last month)
Laminak - Lunar Moon Series - Celtic Moon Rocks with Hammock Swings (poses included) WLRP September Round at WLRP maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Riverhunt/129/124/1503
Tirrany Designs - Shimmer Blossom Outdoor Lounger in PG and Adust options WLRP September Round at WLRP maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Riverhunt/129/124/1503
Simply Shelby - Autumn Fairy Tree, with separate bases at WLRP maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Riverhunt/129/124/1503
anc Ltd. - Allium at Kustom9 this month
Doe - Kraken maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/ploom/203/128/26
LeLutka - Nuri
Blog: pipsfreebiefantasy.blogspot.com/2021/09/she-likes-to-fly-...
Tags: WLRP anc ltd anc aki doe Laminak Tirrany Designs lassitude & ennui Sunniva Ghost Ink LeLutka God Mod NAMINOKE