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User / WQ Photography / Sets / Guru's Picks
Wael Qudimat / 40 items

N 172 B 1.5K C 40 E Nov 23, 2023 F Nov 24, 2023
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Received 6 Guru's Pick on GuruShots.com

Tags:   Nikon Zf Night nightscape Singapore City cityscape Long exposure Reflections Evening blue hour WQ Photography ExoticImage Exposure moonlight moon Landscape Marina

N 73 B 920 C 31 E Nov 23, 2023 F Dec 28, 2023
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Received 4 Guru's Pick on GuruShots.com

Tags:   Nikon Zf Night nightscape Clouds cityscape Singapore Marina Long exposure Landscape City Buildings Reflections Water WQ Photography

N 122 B 793 C 24 E Nov 4, 2023 F Nov 4, 2023
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Received 5 Guru's Pick on GuruShots.com

Tags:   Nikon D750 Night nightscape City cityscape Landmark 81 Vietnam blue hour riverside River Reflections WQ Photography lights Buildings Tower

N 220 B 2.1K C 59 E Nov 18, 2022 F Nov 25, 2022
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Received 3 Guru's Pick on GuruShots.com
Buy here www.shutterstock.com/g/WQ+Photography

Tags:   Nikon D750 Nature Landscape Wide angle White Desert Sand rocks Mountains Earth ExoticImage Beautiful Earth Egypt YBSNature22

N 141 B 1.4K C 21 E Aug 27, 2022 F Aug 28, 2022
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Nikon D750, 23mm @ f/14. 30s, ISO 50, 4 exposures stacked in StarStax to bring out the light tra

Awarded 2 Guru's Pick on GuruShots.com

Tags:   Nikon D750 Night Long exposure lights Lighttrails City Dubai Buildings Skyscrapers Wide angle WQ Photography cityscape WPD22Objects
