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User / liattbaifosafsn / Sets / stitched for higher resolution
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2.5X resolution increase by hand-stitching 3 frames. Not a perfect result, you can see the join lines if you look closely for them.

This is after setting up the Asahi Pentax Copystand II but before receiving the linear stage for precise shift of the negative.

Negative was taped to a piece of anti-newton ring glass for flatness and a homemade 6x4.5 plastic mask was used on a cs-lite to block extraneous light. There is less lighting irregularity than when the essential film holder is used, but still some, which is easily correctable in processing at least for black and white. f/8 and 1/60 was used to the digitization, at almost but not quite 1:1.

The process takes a few hours right now so not practical for large number of images, I'm hoping that with the linear stage, rotation will stay constant and it can be made faster. It should also help with the join lines.

Tags:   mamiya 645 m645j volna-3 80mm f/2.8 yellow filter agfa aviphot pan 200 rollei superpan 200 rollei infrared 400 rollei retro 400s expired @100 flic film black/white & green 1+49 11 minutes 20C 220 film medium format 6x4.5 folegandros chora greece cyclades cycladic island cliff mountain town aegean sea view vista scratched dslr scanning pentax k-1 smc pentax-d fa 50mm f/2.8 macro pixel shift cs-lite taped to anr glass 3 stitched images hand stitched townscape
