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User / 1coffeelady / Sets / Pony Express Museum~St. Joseph, Missouri
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N 0 B 158 C 0 E Aug 17, 2016 F May 7, 2020
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**Excuse photo
St. Joseph, industrial center of northwest Missouri, lies in the glacial plains region of the Missouri Valley, in a richly fertile area of grain, fruit, and livestock farming. Early impressed with the beauty of the site were geographer Maximilian, Prince of Wied, 1833; missionary priest Father De Smet, 1838; and ornithologist Audubon, 1843. The city is now noted for its food processing plants, grain and livestock markets, transportation facilities, and varied factories. Two bridges cross the Missouri River here. The city lies on land acquired from the Iowa, Sauk, and Fox Indians by the Platte Purchase, 1836. Since 1846 it has been the seat of Buchanan Co., one of 6 formed out of the Purchase, organized 1838, named for James Buchanan, U.S. President, 1857-61. Among points of interest are St. Joseph Museum; Patee House; Pony Express Stables; house were Jesse James was killed; locale Eugene Field's courtship poem "Lover's Lane, St. Jo"; Beavais House; Krug Park; and 20 miles southwest, Lewis and Clark State Park. Here lived Mo. Govs. R.M. Stewart, 1857-61; W.P. Hall 1864-65;Silas Woodson, 1873-75.

Tags:   Buchanan County Missouri William H. Russell & William B. Waddell buchanan county missouri & Alexander Majors Pony Express relay rider buchanan county missouri pony express relay riders Buchanan county Pikes Peak Stables St. Joseph missouri pony express stations buchanan county missouri pony express stations buchanan county missouri pony express museum buchanan county missouri historic pony express buchanan coounty missouri historic markers buchanan county missouri historic monuments buchanan county missouri St. Joseph Historic Marker buchanan county missouri Pony Express historic monument

N 0 B 116 C 0 E Aug 17, 2016 F May 7, 2020
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"Wild West's Kitchen," Chicago Evening Post, June 6, 1896
Buffalo Bill's Wild West arrived in St. Joseph on October 16, 1896, only a few months after its visit to Chicago in 1896. The show was enormous, with a total of 500 persons, including performers & support staff ranging from butchers to ushers. Two trains from the Burlington & Missouri River Railroad were needed to transport the people. the animals, & the show's equipment. Keeping everyone fed required eight cooks assisted by fifty-six other employees. The work was done on a twenty-foot-long "Range Wagon" which included five kitchen ranges & was surrounded by an open air food preparation area occupying nearly a half acre. All of that food fueled two performances featuring feats of horsemanship by riders from around the world, trick shooting by Annie Oakley, & a re-creation of a Pony Express ride, all presided over by Buffalo Bill.

Tags:   Buchanan County Missouri William H. Russell & William B. Waddell buchanan county missouri & Alexander Majors Pony Express relay rider buchanan county missouri pony express relay riders Buchanan county Pikes Peak Stables St. Joseph missouri pony express stations buchanan county missouri pony express stations buchanan county missouri pony express museum buchanan county missouri historic pony express old photo wild west wagon 1896 era wild west kitchen 1896 era buffalo bill wild west show & wild west kitchen range wagon & the wild west show chuck wagons & wild west shows

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In May 1860, after the Pony Express had made only eight trips, a Paiute Indian uprising broke out in Utah Territory. Settlers & miners had been taking over the Indians' territory. Some of the Paiutes' hostility was directed toward Pony Express stations. Stations were burned, men killed & stock driven off. It cost Russell, Majors & Waddell a month's delay & $75,000 to put the Pony Express back in service.

Tags:   Buchanan County Missouri William H. Russell & William B. Waddell buchanan county missouri & Alexander Majors Pony Express relay rider buchanan county missouri pony express relay riders Buchanan county Pikes Peak Stables St. Joseph missouri pony express stations buchanan county missouri pony express stations buchanan county missouri pony express museum buchanan county missouri historic pony express mural art painting wall painting pony express mural

N 0 B 66 C 0 E Aug 17, 2016 F May 7, 2020
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Buffalo Bill's constant promotion of the Pony Express has forever linked the two in the popular imagination, whether he rode or not.

Tags:   Buchanan County Missouri William H. Russell & William B. Waddell buchanan county missouri & Alexander Majors Pony Express relay rider buchanan county missouri pony express relay riders Buchanan county Pikes Peak Stables St. Joseph missouri pony express stations buchanan county missouri pony express stations buchanan county missouri pony express museum buchanan county missouri historic pony express children book buffalo bill Cody children books wild west children books pony express

N 0 B 62 C 0 E Aug 17, 2016 F May 7, 2020
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Tags:   Buchanan County Missouri William H. Russell & William B. Waddell buchanan county missouri & Alexander Majors Pony Express relay rider buchanan county missouri pony express relay riders Buchanan county Pikes Peak Stables St. Joseph missouri pony express stations buchanan county missouri pony express stations buchanan county missouri pony express museum buchanan county missouri historic pony express pony express riders art paintings pony express paintings pony express art pony express framed paintings pony express riders painting
