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User / Hayseed52 / Sets / critters
Patti / 378 items

N 20 B 1.8K C 15 E Mar 25, 2018 F Apr 7, 2018
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An opossum... or the night cleaning crew as I call him. He stops by on a regular basis to check and see if the birds have left any seeds on the ground and if they have he faithfully cleans it up for me so the bears aren't attracted in. One night he came right to the glass door and leaned up on it, looking at me as if to say, Hey! where's my stuff? Have a great weekend everyone, I am off to Roanoke today! :)

Tags:   Opossum Marsupial critter animal nighttime nature wild

N 25 B 376 C 8 E Oct 3, 2020 F Oct 7, 2020
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Spotted this fly on some ornamental grass in Luray Virginia. Just hanging out. Doing nothing. Playing it cool..... so I took his photo and he seemed happy with that. ;)

Tags:   Fly Grass ornamental grass Luray Virginia

N 26 B 614 C 6 E May 18, 2020 F May 18, 2020
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This handsome frog lives in a small water pond that I installed last year. The pond is made from an old tractor tire that I put in the ground and covered in pond plastic. Then I put black plastic netting over the pond for two reasons 1) to keep the fall leaves and such out of it and 2) to protect critters from falling in. But this frog gets through the 1/2 inch netting and goes in and out easily. It has gotten so used to me that it rarely makes the effort to squeeze through the net anymore. Now there are hundreds of little tadpoles swimming in there... all nicely protected by the mesh! I think this frog has earned the right to it's own name! Any suggestions? LOL

Tags:   Frog American Beauty Virginia Nature

N 31 B 992 C 8 E Feb 18, 2021 F Feb 19, 2021
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Chippy provided some fun entertainment yesterday. He got up in the bed of my truck and was just zipping around and about back there. I always put the tailgate down (or in this case Anita did) when bad weather is predicted so that the ground feeding birds can have seeds up under the shelter of the gate, and that meant I could see Mr. Chippy very well. It kind of looks like he is in the woods somewhere but that is just a combination of door reflections and etc. He's on the wheel well here and ready to launch off into another hot dash. :) This was the first day I felt up to lifting this heavy camera up so things are progressing. Thank you everyone so much for all the well wishes!

Tags:   Chipmunk Chippy rodent sleet winter Virginia

N 1 B 105 C 2 E Jun 5, 2011 F Jun 4, 2011
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