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User / Hayseed52 / Sets / spiders
Patti / 106 items

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This is an Orb Weaver spider. It is extremely sensitive to any vibrations of it's web and will pounce on any hapless insect that happens to come in contact with it. Here it is wrapping up it's latest "victim" . It is totally connected to it's web and it's dinner by the sticky, silky strands it excretes.

Tags:   MacroMonday Connected Weaver Spider Silk Strands web Orbweaver dinner food nature

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I heard about this group Arachtober through another Flickr member and decided I would try to participate. Mind you, I Heartily disliked a spider. But .... and this is surprising to me.... over the course of the summer, of hunting down and figuring out how to capture good spider shots, I lost a lot of my fear of them. I actually became quite fond of one orb weaver who eventually disappeared to my great disappointment! I can add one photo per day to the group so I appologize to those of you who also dislike or are squeamish about spiders but through this month (the only time you can post to the group) I will be posting a spider picture per day. I found this to be Great therapy for my spider phobia so I am thankful to Mike Murray for telling me about this group! Spiders still are not allowed to live Inside the house.... but I usually take their picture before squishing instead of screaming first and then squishing. It's an improvement! :)
Oh.... and there is another tiny little bug in this photo so it's not ALL about the spider! LOL

Tags:   Arachtober spider spiders spiderandflower flower hosta summer Arachnid

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At least, I think that is what this is. It's eerie the way the thing could look at me and moved when I moved. But... I didn't know close up they were this colorful or interesting. I ended up letting him have that chair for many days and then he went away on his own. :)

Tags:   Arachtober spider jumping.spider hairy outside

N 108 B 7.3K C 36 E Aug 30, 2017 F Oct 3, 2017
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Perhaps this is an orb weaver? No clue but ... he is interesting looking. Update: Thank you Eric Eaton for the ID: Neoscona sp and he is a she! :)

Tags:   Spider spiderweb green mesh doorscreen nature

N 19 B 698 C 11 E Oct 5, 2017 F Oct 5, 2017
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These little guys are so shy! I confess I plucked the petal from the flower and placed it on the bench so I could take the shot. And yes, I carefully placed him back on the flower when done! Such a little thing and it's surprising to me that they ambush bees!!

Tags:   Arachtober Spider Arachnid Crabspider petal bench
