this afternoon I decided to doll myself up. After coming home from the groceries shopping, I found nobody was home. I realized I would not have to be scared anymore for discovery, now that my spouse and sons all know Barbara and have all seen pictures. Dressing up in front of my family is still another thing, but now that I had some time on my own I also took it, and truly enjoyed.
I decided to leave the curtains open. It felt wonderful to walk through my own house open and free in the middle of the day and let the afternoon sun light my photo to capture a delightful moment.
This red dress has been long in the closet, but for my trip to Prague I took it with me, but did not wear it. I thought it would be an excellent combination with the silver sandals, but because they were on sale and walk incredibly good, I have them also in red and black now, and decided to go for the red ones with this dress. I did not paint my finger nails for just the time this afternoon, but my toes were still red from last week, I enjoy leaving them red :)
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