An elegant aquatic bird with a very distinctive appearance with the crest being its most notable feature. These Grebes were once hunted for their feathers which were used as decorations in hats and were almost wiped out in Britain, but the population recovered due to great conservation methods.
Tags: Bird Portrait UK Nature Wildlife BBC Spingwatch Great Crested Grebe Podiceps cristatus Wetlands Pentax K-Mount 300.0mm
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The males which have the dark bands on their wings are very territorial and will court females by flicking there wings open and performing an aerial dance in front of them. Females will lay their eggs on floating plants and often submerging to do so. The female can lay unto 10 eggs per minute up to around 45 minutes. The scientific name Odonata which is the order of the major group that Dragonflies and Damselflies belong to is actually derived from the Greek word 'oden', meaning 'tooth', which refers to the strong toothed jaws that all the Odonata posses. Banded Demoiselles will often favour slow flowing rivers and can be seen on the wing from late April to October.
Tags: Banded Demoiselle-Calopteryx splendens Insect Invert Odonata UK-Wildlife Natue Bokeh Macro Close-Up Pentax-K3ll Wetlands Ponds Lakes Rivers K-Mount coth5
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A fast and strong flier. Males will will perch high on foliage or tree trunks facing head downwards to enable them to accelerate quickly as soon as they are airborne. Found in Bolivia.
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Can often be mistaken for a butterfly as this moth will fly during the day. Including the larval and pupal stage these moths can have a lifespan of 8-9 months or more. The bright colours and markings show its predators that this moth is distasteful and poisonous. Found from the tropical regions of South and Southeast Asian countries which include India, China, Sumatra and Java !
Tags: Falce Tiger Moth Dysphania militaris Insect Invert Lepidoptera Geometridae Tropia Asia Macro Close-Up Bokeh Tamron Pentax-K3ll K-Mount Poisonous London Natural History Museum Sensational Butterflies
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Native to central Asia, was used as a form of bio-control agent for aphids and scale insects in greenhouses, cornfields and gardens in many parts of the world including USA and Europe. Later found its way across the channel to the UK.
Tags: UnlimitedInsectsLevel1 UnlimitedInsectsLevel2 UnlimitedInsectsLevel3 UnlimitedInsectsLevel4
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