So long… for now…
It was bittersweet leaving Rocky Mountain National Park today. I had an awesome trip and got to see some amazing views. I ran across bears, elk, fox, rabbits, and met some great people. I had fantastic weather, great food, and some cozy campfires. I felt a re-kindling in my heart, one that I don’t think will dwindle any time soon.
There were of course some things that I wished I had done and did not get to do; I promised myself that I would not allow such long distances between visits, and I’m already planning my next series of adventures. I would have stayed a bit longer, but now it is off to Wyoming to complete another lifetime dream: Devils Tower!
On a side note: it will be nice to get back in touch with the outside world. Apparently Sprint has terrible service in states outside of Texas.
Theme: Life’s A Journey
Year Six Of My 365 Project
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