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User / rhome_music / Personal Relic 6 Grandma Pick
Christopher / 11,286 items
See album description- My grandmother on my mother’s side passed away in June of 2001- a few months before 9/11 and just at a point in my life when I was starting to get my life back on track. She went in one day with a head ache, and 8 weeks later I was delivering her eulogy.

It seems rather ironic that this relic was next in line, as news came that my Grandmother in law is in the acute end renal stage and her Kidneys are failing. Because of her age and health condition, she cannot go through a kidney transplant nor even take dialysis. If her kidneys fail, I won't be able to see her at Christmas...

I almost didn't "say goodbye" to my own grandmother. When we had the viewing I walked in the room and immediately sat down in a chair at the back of the room. I would not approach her casket and I would not even look at it. It took about 2 hours to go up and say my goodbyes. I almost didn't give her eulogy, but in the last moment I knew that I would regret it if I didn't.

I remember the last moments with Grandma, where I took this guitar pick and cut it in half. I remember placing one half in her casket and leaning over her body, whispering to her as if somehow she was listening telling her "I promise I will live to be who I was meant to be..."

I always felt the draw of music on my life, which comes from my mom's side. My mom showed me where middle "C" was on the piano and I did the rest. I learned how to play guitar by picking it up. The musical side in me came from my mother's side. Whenever I see the pick I remember saying goodbye. I still get tears when I think about how my life changed when she passed away- how I wish she was still here to see the different things I have overcome. When I lost my sister it gave me comfort that they were together in Heaven… drinking margaritas and toying with their cats. Whenever I see the pick I remember the promise I made. Promises never really end or expire. We're never too old to begin new beginnings... and I have every intention of holding up to every one of those promises that I whispered to her.
  • Views: 1194
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  • Taken: Oct 3, 2009
  • Uploaded: Oct 16, 2009
  • Updated: Aug 7, 2024